For our second homeschooler, we’re going to learn about praying mantises. Praying mantises are fascinating insects that have a unique way of hunting prey. They can also be kept as pets and enjoyed by people who like to see insects up close! This post will explore the scientific facts about these fantastic creatures. You can also check out our latest book, Life of Mantis. It weaved together fact and fiction to help kids learn about this interesting type of insect in a fun way.
A curious little praying mantis has visited us many times this summer. It became a sort of “muse” for this story. It often came and sat on our window, looking like it was peeking inside. One evening when we were out on the back porch, it came and sat on the back of my daughter’s chair. Such an interesting little creature, it would turn its head this way and that to watch us. After you are done learning a bit more about praying mantis, be sure to check out the latest book!
What Does a Praying Mantis Look Like?
Praying mantises are insects belonging to the order Mantodea. They are characterized by their triangular head, elongated neck, and a body divided into two parts: thorax and abdomen. The praying position is when the front legs are held together and pressed against the thorax. This gives an appearance of folded arms, hence the name praying mantis (mantis stems from the Greek word for prophet, mantis).
Mantises often eat other insects such as flies, mosquitoes or grasshoppers. Some species of praying mantis even catch small lizards or frogs! People believe that the mantis can help with pest control around the garden, but it doesn’t discriminate between good bugs like bees that pollinate and bad ones that will nibble your plants.
Where Do Praying Mantises Live?
Praying mantises are found in many parts of the world. They can be found in rainforests, grasslands, deserts, forests, and even cities. Praying mantises are not endangered but are not usually found in cold climates. In fact, most of the time, adult praying mantis die off in the fall, and only the eggs weather the winter months.
What Do Praying Mantises Eat?
Praying mantises are carnivores, which means that they eat other animals. They eat a wide range of insects, including flies, beetles, and grasshoppers. They also eat bees and wasps. Praying mantises can eat up to 1,000 insects in one lifetime.
How Big Are Praying Mantises?
There are many different species of mantises, and they vary greatly. Some are small enough to fit on the tip of your finger, while others can grow to be over 6 inches long! You’ll want to let your child know that some praying mantises weigh as little as 2 grams (the weight of one dime), but some species can get really big! The West African Mega Mantis is one example; this insect can weigh up to 13 grams (about the same as five nickels).
Life of Mantis by Brie Wetherby

Brie Wetherby’s book Life of Mantis is a great resource for teaching kids about praying mantises.
It is a new release on amazon in ebook, paperback, and through the Kindle Unlimited Program. Life of Mantis follows the fictional life of Marc, the praying mantis, while still weaving in facts about the creatures themselves. It is a fun way for kids to work on their reading skills and learn about a unique insect.
Marc the Mantis is a humorous mantis that discovers and studies the human world through beady little praying mantis eyes. Within the book’s pages, you can find various real pictures of the praying mantis visiting our home!
Grab a copy of Life of Mantis to supplement your second-grade homeschoolers’ science curriculum, or just get one for your favorite little bug enthusiasts.
Sample Life of Mantis
Does Life of Mantis would like something your child would enjoy? Does it go with your current homeschool curriculum lesson about bugs? If you answered yes to any of these questions, why not try before buying? You can sample the first chapter of Life of Mantis completely free!
Free Printable Praying Mantis Lapbook
A lap book is a great printable resource to review a topic, explore a topic, or even learn a new topic. It is a visual aid when reviewing for tests or just reviewing material your child has previously learned. Plus, it is a craft! Lapbooks are pieced together as crafts.

All About the Praying Mantis for Second Graders
Many resources are available online if you’re interested in learning more about praying mantises. You can also check out your local library or bookstore to find materials with more information on the biology of these insects. Be sure to check out Life of Mantis to learn more about a praying mantis’s habits and life cycle.
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