If you’re about to start second grade English language in your homeschool curriculum, then there are a few things that you may want to consider. You will want to have a review to start off your school year so the material is fresh in your child’s mind. We have compiled some tips and tricks on how and what to review for second-grade phonics.
Why is it Important to Review Phonics At The Beginning of Second Grade?
For the most part, you should know what your child is learning in the first-grade English Language program. If that’s the case, then you should be able to tell if they are ready for second grade or not. As a parent or home educator, you must understand why it’s important to review phonics at the beginning of second grade.
By second grade, students should be able to read and write basic sentences. They should also know letter sounds and their ABCs to make reading easier for them later in life. By this point, your child should be able to read at least beginner books or step into reading books. It is important to re-review these things so your child does not fall behind in school because of something that could’ve been caught earlier. Refreshing information keeps it fresh in your child’s mind so they can build on the material
How Long Should You Review Before Bringing In New Material?
How long should you review before bringing in new material? It is a common question parents and new homeschoolers ask at the beginning of the school year. It depends. It depends on how well your child understands the current material and how much time he or she has spent with this curriculum in the past. Generally speaking, I tell parents to introduce brand new material about two weeks into the school year. Start slowly as you introduce new phonics-related information so your child can grasp the concepts better. Don’t pile on all the new topics in one day.
In second grade, your child will begin learning different types of sentences, such as declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory. Plus, how to identify them. Your second grader will also learn where punctuation goes in a sentence and more about capitalization. Plus, there will be a lot of writing.
What Should You Review?
When you start second grade English language, it’s important to review the alphabet. You should also review letter sounds, vowels, and sentence structure. You should reinforce that sentences being with a capital letter, end with a period, and are a complete thought. Any time you’re learning something new, reviewing old material is also good.
Tools for Reviewing
You can use many tools during your review weeks that carry over to the rest of second grade.
- Flashcards
- Kindle Unlimited ebooks
- ABCya Games
- Youtube
The Best Phonics Games and Flashcards
The best way to review phonics is with a game or flashcards. Flashcards are great because they’re portable, easy to use, and can be made in any way that works for you. You can make them on the computer or print out blank cards from home. You can also buy some great sets on Amazon for really cheap.

Sound hounds is a game-based phonics card set that helps kids with sounding out words in a fun way.

Pop for Blends is a great way for kids to practice sounding out beginning blends found at the beginning of words and even connecting them with new words. This blend pack consists of consonant consonate blends like wh, th, sm, cr, and more. Plus, in a game-based format, it holds your child’s attention!

Sight words can be more fun when you smack them! In this game, sight words are written on flys, and kids get to smack the words that are called out with a toy fly swatter. Get your copy of the sight words swat game today!

Kindle Unlimited eBooks
Kindle Unlimited, through Amazon, has over 2 million ebooks, many of which are great beginning readers and phonics-based books for kids. This makes it the perfect program for homeschoolers. Check out these great books that are perfect for your phonics review time and beyond.

The Case of the Missing Axolotl is a children’s bedtime story book with a collection of 10 short mysteries about axolotls. It is available through Kindle Unlimited, ebook, and paperback on Amazon.

Dawn of the Villagers is the first book in the Strange Things of the Village series. It is an Unnoficial Minecraft novel that is perfect for kids who love the Minecraft game! In this tale, a girl named Tess falls down a hole from the real world and ends up in Minecraft, where she tries to save a group of villagers from the Warden. This is the perfect bridge book between full chapter books and step into reading books. If you want a copy, it is available through the Kindle Unlimited program, as an ebook, or in paperback format.

Rise of the Portals is the second book in the Strange things in the Village series. It is another Unofficial Minecraft novel inspired by the game kids rave so much about. Again it is a great bridge book between full-blown chapter books and easy readers. The books in the series can be read out of order, but in this book, portals start popping up in strange places all over the real world. A little boy, Sam, goes missing, and two detectives are hired to find him. Lotte and Seb, the two detectives, must go into the Minecraft world, retrieve the boy, and bring him back. But can they survive the Nether, a pillager village, and a group of skeletons? Find out by getting a copy of Rise of the Portals through Kindle Unlimited, ebook, or paperback versions.

The mini Girls Sight Word Book is perfect for kindergarten through first grade. It contains great phonics information such as letters, vowels, and simple sight words every child should know by the end of first grade. You will also find numbers one through ten in word form to practice spelling them and the days of the week. This travel-sized early phonics reader is available through Kindle Unlimited, ebook, and paperback editions.

My Best Friend Hamster is an easy reader for kindergarten and first grade. It is a simple book about friendship and hamsters. It is the perfect book for any girl who loves pink, hamsters, and reading from speech bubbles. Inspire a love of reading in your girls today with My Best Friend Hamster in Kindle Unlimited or eBook formats.

The Kindle Unlimited program is like an at-home library for homeschoolers. You don’t have to worry about returning your books on time, and your payment is automatically charged to a credit card. All you have to do is kick back and enjoy reading. If you are new to kindle unlimited and what to check out some of the awesome deals, look into these:
Now, What Should Your Review Before Starting Second Grade English Language?
Remember, the goal of phonics is not to simply teach children to sound out words. It’s to help them build a strong foundation in spelling, reading, and writing. You should review everything you have covered throughout the previous year and ensure that your child has all of their sounds down before moving on to new material. It can take about two weeks at the beginning of the year to review material. Even though it takes a while, reviewing is a good habit for homeschoolers to get into. If you want to learn some more good habits to develop surrounding your homeschool routine, check out our guide to healthy habits for homeschoolers.
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