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5 Habits of Highly Successful Homeschoolers

  • Brie 
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As any homeschooling parent knows, there’s no right or wrong way to do it. In fact, just because one family has a certain system that works for them doesn’t mean it’ll work for you and yours. That said, we can all benefit from some universal habits of successful home-based learning.

1.) They Love to Read

Reading is a great habit to develop. When you read, you learn new things, whether it’s something that happened in the story or a new word that describes something in your life. Reading is also fun! You get to imagine yourself doing things that you might never do—like flying on an airplane or riding a dragon! Reading helps us relax and enjoy our lives. You can spend time with family members reading together, or friends can read together as well.

2.) They Make Sure Some of Their Reading is Done out Loud

Reading aloud can help your child with pronunciation, comprehension, fluency, and memory. It will also increase their vocabulary and thus writing skills. Reading out loud is a great way to develop listening skills too! This is especially the case if you read aloud to your child.

If you aren’t sure where to start with reading aloud, I recommend starting with the Pigeon book series by Mo Willems. Elephant and Piggy books are also a family favorite for kindergarten through first grade. The stories are short enough that you can read them in one sitting with your little ones while they sit next to you on the couch.

You can get a set of six pigeon books by Mo Willems on Amazon. All the books are paperback.

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Get the first five Piggy and Elephant stories in one book with this big book for kids! It will make kids feel like they are reading a chapter book, plus it saves your home from clutter so you don’t have so many loose smaller books laying around.

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3.) They Find Ways to Enjoy the Outdoors

If you have a child who is reluctant to go outside, you can make it easier by doing something with them that they enjoy. It could be a game, a puzzle, or even just going for walks.

To help your child make the most of being outdoors, here are some tips:

  • Make sure your homeschooling space is available all year round: You don’t want to give up on learning simply because it’s too hot or too cold outdoors. If possible, build an indoor learning area where you can still get plenty of fresh air. Or take advantage of natural light without having to venture out into bad weather! Windows work wonders!
  • Build an outdoor classroom: Use items like bookshelves and tables made from recycled materials such as pallets.
  • Set up an outdoor field lab: The outdoors is great for hands-on learning. With national geographic sets, it’s easy to set up a field lab for your child.

4.) They Seek Out Mentors and Use Their Experiences to Learn from Their Mistakes

As a homeschooler, you have the opportunity to learn from others’ mistakes and successes rather than just making your own. You will make many mistakes in the beginning, just like with any career, even teaching.

Mentors can come from all angles or walks of life. Mentoring is available through books, blogs, podcasts, and videos in which successful people share what they’ve learned in life. You can also talk with other homeschoolers doing things differently than you or find mentors who can help guide you on your journey.

5.) They Help Out the Community

One of the best ways to help your child become more involved in the community is by volunteering. Volunteering gives your children a chance to feel like they are making a difference and allows them to get out of the house and interact with other people. There are many ways for your homeschooler to volunteer, including:

  • Helping out at a homeless shelter
  • Volunteering at a library organizing books
  • Volunteering at church events
  • Volunteering at a nursing home or senior center
  • Volunteering at the park (depending on where you live)
  • Visiting an animal shelter and helping pets become adopted

Successful Homeschoolers Do Things That Other People Don’t Do

Successful homeschoolers do things that other people don’t do. They are always learning, growing, and expanding their horizons. They don’t let their feelings or the opinions of others hold them back from trying new things and taking risks.

This doesn’t mean that successful homeschoolers never repeat an activity or never use a curriculum they’ve used before. It just means they make sure to mix what they are doing with new experiences so that learning is exciting and fun! Plus, successful homeschooler organize their supplies to save time. Check out our guide to homeschool organization if you struggle with this.

Is Homeschooling Right For You?

So now that you have an idea of what successful homeschoolers do, it’s time to take action. You first need to find out if homeschooling is right for your family by talking with other parents about their experiences. Once that is done, start looking into local programs or resources that can help make this transition easier. You can look for support groups and workshops in your area.

Once all these preparations are taken care of, the next step will be setting up your curriculum based on what works best for your child’s needs – which may mean working from home or going outside! If you want a Christian curriculum, check out the top 5 curriculums for Christians to compare what kind of learning experience you want.

Then why not try reading aloud together? This will give your child an opportunity to practice their verbal skills while also enjoying literature at the same time. It will also help ease you into the role of teacher.

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Please note: Mommy Daughter Love provides a large variety of information about homeschooling. This information should not be taken as legal advice.

1 thought on “5 Habits of Highly Successful Homeschoolers”

  1. Pingback: Is A Good Curriculum for First Grade Homeschooling? - Mommy Daughter Love

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