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How to Organize Homeschool Supplies

  • Brie 
Homeschool Organization For Second Grade
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Homeschooling is an incredible gift you can give your children. The particular school curriculum you choose and how you arrange your home to accommodate your children’s learning environment are all choices that help add to a kid’s unique learning experience. However, one important aspect of this process that you shouldn’t neglect is the organization of homeschool supplies. After all, the last thing you want to do is waste precious time searching for specific items when you could be focusing on teaching activities! Below are some tips for organizing and storing homeschool supplies.

Label Boxes For Each Child

Label each box with the child’s name. You can use a label maker or make your labels by hand. Label makers are great for creating labels that are easy to read and remove, but if you are on a budget, you can also use regular paper and pen. I would equate label makers to removable stickers that are residue-free. Need some more tips:

  • Don’t use stickers or tape; these will eventually peel off and leave residue behind.
  • Use waterproof permanent markers (or Sharpies) instead of pencils or crayons because they won’t rub off over time like other supplies when stored in plastic bins that get moved around frequently.
  • Print out plain, black-and-white copies of each child’s name using Microsoft Word, so there is no need for extra supplies such as colored ink cartridges or specialty paper, you can use heavy-duty packing tape to attach them, and they will last a long time.

Grab a label maker that hooks right to your phone for easy label printing.

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Create a Space for Each Subject

Whether this is a shelf on your homeschool classrooms bookshelf or a separate bin, creating an easy-to-access space for each subject helps the day flow smoothly. Need more subject-based tips:

  • Keep all the supplies for each topic in one place.
  • Keep a bin or box labeled with the subject on a shelf or the floor.
  • Let your children help you organize by placing their learning tools inside their bins and boxes when they are finished using them.
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Invest In Homeschool Organization With Built-in Wheels

In my opinion, wheels are the best thing to organize homeschool supplies. They make it so much easier to move around and store your stuff, and they’re better than plastic tubs or cardboard boxes because they don’t crack or break as easily when you’re lifting them down a lot. They are great if you like a portable classroom too.

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Create a Classroom Space

One of the best things you can do for your homeschool is to keep all your supplies and resources in one place. It’s like creating a little classroom space. It’s not only easier than looking for things all over the house but also frees up space and keeps everything neat and organized.

Now that we’ve talked about what makes a good homeschool supply storage area, let’s talk about how to get started organizing yours!

1.) Sort Through Your Homeschool Supplies

After a year of homeschooling, you could be burnt out of the teaching and learning process just as much as your child is. Make sure to take some time over summer vacation, at least a week or two, that is homeschool free. Once you are ready to jump back into the thick of it, you’ll want to go through your curriculum for the upcoming year and organize everything in your homeschool space. To do a thorough job:

  • Sort through your last year’s homeschool supplies.
  • Clean out the clutter by donating and recycling unused items (such as paper, plastic bags, and containers).
  • Put away items that you will need next year, like textbooks and calculators; put away things that you won’t need next year (like old tests or class projects), but keep them in a safe place so they can be accessed if needed later on down the road for records.
  • You should probably have a space for records.

2.) Assign a Bin to Each Subject or Activity

Assign a bin to each subject or activity. Consider assigning a different color bin to each child’s materials if you have multiple children. Label the containers clearly so everyone knows which bin is theirs and what it contains. If you use mesh bins, be sure your labels can be seen through the mesh fabric of the storage containers so that when you’re looking for something inside one of them, you’ll know what it is without having to take them all out and look in each one individually!

You can use different-sized bins for small items (i.e., flashcards) and larger ones for more oversized items (i.e., textbooks). This will allow you to keep everything organized in one place without having any unnecessary bulkiness from using too big or too many different-sized containers at once!

3.) Keep Track of Schoolwork Throughout the Year

Keeping track of schoolwork throughout the year isn’t just a good habit to get into. It’s also essential if you want your home education to run smoothly. It’s important to have a system that allows you and your child to quickly find what they need when they need it, without wasting time searching or spending money on duplicates. If you have a big box curriculum, you will typically get a pre-made agenda or teacher’s manual with your daily lesson plans. So, what worksheets and things to do on which days.

Here are some other options to keep you on schedule if you are choosing the DIY route:

  • Paper planner
  • Digital planner (e.g., Google calendar, Apple Calendar)
  • Calendar app (e.g., iCalendar)
  • To-do list apps/note-taking apps like Evernote or OneNote
  • A Whiteboard

4.) A Little Effort On Your Part Now Will Save You a Lot of Trouble Later

Organizing your homeschool supplies is not difficult. It will save you time and effort in the long run. You can find what you need quickly and easily, even if it’s been a while since you last used them. The best part of organizing your homeschool supplies is that upkeep is minimal once the system has been created.

Homeschool Organization for a Better Year

We’ve covered some of the best ways to organize your homeschool supplies. You don’t need fancy storage solutions; a few boxes will do the job. Most importantly, you don’t let your stuff pile up in an unsightly mess. If you implement what we’ve covered today, you’ll be well on your way to having a tidy and organized home school space for all of your curricula. If you don’t know which curriculum to get, check out our ultimate comparison guide of Christian curriculum for homeschoolers.

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