Last Updated on March 17, 2022 by Brie
Teaching American money as a homeschool mom starts with coin identification in preschool and builds up from there. In kindergarten, your learners will continue to work on learning the value of coins and adding up that value. Then in first grade, your learner’s knowledge will continue to progress, and they will be working on identifying dollars and adding up the combined value of dollars and coins. The dreaded decimal point will even become “a thing” at this stage too.
Fortunately, you have stopped by Mommy Daughter Love, the website offering the best homeschool curriculum resources for girls ages 6-12. There are various tools you can use to help your homeschool learner master money. Whether you are using a big box curriculum like Abeka Academy or looking to supplement your curriculum with other resources, you can find them here.
Abeka Academy Money For Kindergarten And First Grade Homeschool
Abeka is one of the best big box curriculum sources that you can get for your homeschooling student. It is Christian-based and has every piece of information your child should be learning per grade level. For kindergarten and first grade, the money-themed lessons start with little crafts where homeschool students can cut out various coins, dollar bills, and piggy banks to achieve some “number scene” on money-related concepts.
First grade deviates from the crafting angle a bit as it pertains to coins, but there are still plenty of opportunities for fun! Your students will learn to add up various coins in their math books based on looking at photos of the coins.
Finally, your students will be working on double-digit addition of various values. For example, your learner might solve 12 cents plus 14 cents.
But as a publishing company owner and as a mom who likes to have a hands-on role in her child’s education, I have come up with various books and digital media resources to assist children in developing an awareness of the value of coins and dollars.
The first resources produced by Mommy Daughter Love are amazon ebooks.
The Story Behind Money Related Childrens Books For Homeschool Mom’s
As an author, “in for a penny, in for a pound” is one of my favorite quotes. It is a quote of perseverance, As an author, “in for a penny, in for a pound” is one of my favorite quotes. So many of the Regency-era novels I read mention it too.
It is a quote of perseverance, like when the going gets tough; the tough get going. It is a symbol of really sticking with something as I have stuck with this publishing company over the years. It originated in the 1600s and has a variety of “origin tales” associated with it. However, the quote is British through and through. It was “accepted” as an American phrase back in the day and wasn’t changed to American terminology of “pennies and dollars.”
I love weaving in minor elements of my life into my stories, so when the opportunity presented itself to incorporate this quote into a children’s series, it was too good to pass up.
In for a Penny and In for a Pound are the perfect easy readers for preschool through first grade or girls ages 4-7. These books are geared towards homeschool girls who love pets, snacks, and friendship. But don’t worry, mom’s, I didn’t leave you out. The series has plenty of learning opportunities. I love books as an excellent option for educational toys for 6-year-olds.
This series of books are excellent for teaching children about coins and dollar bills through the power of silly stories. It is an all-pink children’s book series, which offers much glam for your young girl’s ebook collection. It will take your daughter on a journey through a silly story about a few friends who explore what you can buy with coins and dollars.
Kids will work on different sight words in these easy readers for kindergarten and first-grade girls, including:
- I
- It
- Want
The sight word component offers a great easy reader approach that is perfect for incorporating into kindergarten or first-grade phonics lesson plans.
In for a Penny: American Coin Identification for Preschool and Kindergarten
If you are looking for toddler books ages 3-5, In for a Penny is perfect because it is geared towards teaching younger children coin values in a silly way! In for a Penny is a pink children’s book that takes your kids on a journey discovering American coins such as the:
- Penny
- Nickel
- Dime
- Quarter
In this easy reader, girls will specifically explore the value of American coins and some sight words. You can get a copy of In for a Penny on Amazon! It is free for Kindle Unlimited users.

All About the Kindle Unlimited Program For Homeschool
Kindle Unlimited is a fantastic opportunity that every homeschool mom should take advantage of. You can access many easy readers right from your phone, tablet, or laptop. For example, with the Kindle Unlimited program, you can get access to:
- Bedtime stories
- Educational books
- Easy readers
- Select educational magazines
As a publisher, I love the Kindle Unlimited program because it allows my reader to access my resources for free after they have enrolled. I enroll all of my children’s books in the program so you can access them easily without making a purchase each time you want to read something.
Huge Discount For First Time Kindle Unlimted Users
Like Netflix, you can get access to 1.4 million books for a monthly fee. You can check them out like a library and return them. In your downloads, you can choose up to 20 Kindle Unlimited books at a time. It is perfect for avid readers. As a publisher and amazon associate, I have a discount code for you where you can get:
- 5% off a 6 month pre-paid Kindle Unlimited plan
- 10% off a 12 month pre-paid Kindle Unlimited plan
- 20% off a 24 month pre-paid Kindle Unlimted plan
This discount is for first-time kindle unlimited users and renews for 9.99 a month after the promotion period ends, but you can cancel at any time. Just choose your plan and get started reading today!
In for a Pound: American Dollar Bill Identification for Kindergarten and First Grade
The book In for a Pound is perfect if you are looking for an educational, easy reader for first-grade girls because it is geared towards kids who love pets, friendship, and history.
It is excellent for teaching children about American dollar bills through the power of a silly story. In For a Pound is a pink children’s book that takes kids ages 6-8 on a journey through a silly story about a few friends who explore what you can buy with dollars and who is on them.
Kids will work on different sight words in this easy reader for kindergarten and first-grade girls, including I, it, and want.
You can get a copy of the second book in this series In for a Pound on Amazon! It is also free for kindle unlimited users.

Homeschool Games for Teaching American Money
Teaching through the power of songs and silly stories helps homeschool children to remember concepts better! Reading the books through will help children to familiarize themselves with coins and dollars in a fun way.
However, you can also check out other story-based math lessons on the blog if your child is struggling with math. After your child has mastered the value of coins, such as a penny being worth one cent, and a nickel being worth five cents, then you can play a few fun games to help solidify counting change:
- Set up a toy shop with paper price tags and real coins, on my Teaches Pay Teachers I have some fabulous preschool worksheet printables for creating a toy shop.
- Set up a stuffed animal shop with price tags and dollars or coins
- Count out piles of change to equal one dollar
- Write money values on post-it notes and have learners count out coins to match the value.
The Best Educational Toys and Workbooks for Teaching American Money
Amazon is an amazing place to search when you are looking for easy readers, easy peasy homeschool curriculum, or educational toys. With new items being launched and published every single day, you can literally find an endless supply of new resources for your children. More than your kids could complete or play within their lifetime. However, some resources are better than others when it comes to educational toys and workbooks.
1. National Geographic Money Magazine
Magazines are a fun way to teach kids about money. For younger kids, you can flip through a magazine looking at all the different pictures and identifying coins and various dollar bill images as you go. For your first through fourth graders you can:
- Read facts about money from the National Geographic Kids Everything Money edition
- Circle various coins on each page and have your homeschool kids add up the values
- Learn about the history of money and trade
- Learn how to fold dolar bills into origami art
Grab a copy of the National Geographic Kids Everything Money edition for your homeschool student today. It can be reused over the years as you pick out the lessons you need on money from grade to grade.
2. Time and Money: Grade 1
Time and Money are units that go hand in hand in kindergarten and first grade. many workbooks combine the concepts into one book which is convenient because students should be working on each concept daily. Just a few problems every day can really improve money scenes and time-telling skills. With the Time and Money book for first grade your learner will be able to work on counting up coin values, and telling time by the hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour. Plus this book comes with the full-color illustrations that young kids love.
3. Fake Money Counting Set
Fake money, if you don’t have a jar full of the real stuff in your homeschool classroom is a great teaching tool. You can get a Melissa and Doug tray of money that is organized into different coins and dollar values to make counting up different amounts easy for older early elementary grades, such as second through fourth. This tray is sturdy and comes with over 50 of each type of coin or dollar. Plus like other Melissa and Doug things, it is wood so it just looks nice in the classroom.
Why Choose Mommy Daughter Love For Your Resource Ideas
Mommy Daughter Love (M&D Co.) centers around moms and daughters. Since 2018 it has focused on creating great content related to motherhood and moms of girls specifically. It all started with a simple website that focused on fun activities for girl moms, homeschool advice, and documenting single motherhood’s lifestyle.
In 2021 Mommy Daughter Love became an amazon publisher. It has been an exciting journey to transition from digital media to publishing on kindle and being a self-publisher.
Throughout the Mommy Daughter Love website, you can now find various book-related resources and digital media for homeschooling, entertainment, and self-care. You can find many fun activity books, workbooks, coloring books, journals, and notebooks for moms and daughters too.
Mommy Daughter Love takes the “pink stance” where everything is pink or glittery. The kind of things that catch a girl’s eye! If this is up your alley, you can find various pink glittery books that make a glamourous addition to your library around the site.
Being a writer takes diligence and passion. Being a publisher takes research, hard work, and the right tools to succeed. While it hasn’t always been an easy journey, it has been a compelling one. Plus, it is a journey that any mom can take. It may look different for you, with another goal, a different brand, and other inspirations. Stick around the blog and subscribe to our newsletter to follow the journey and get tips and tricks for launching your company.
More Resouces Recommended By Mommy Daughter Love
- You can find educational childrens books written by Brie Wetherby on her Amazon Author Page.
- For easy peasy homeschool resources check The Story Based Teacher Store, the printable subsiderary of Mommy Daughter Love.
- Grab a self care journal for a daily mental health check in from the M&D Co. on Amazon. It is perfect for single moms.
- Lunch your company website today with the help of a Bluehost hosting service.
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