My daughter is having yet another asthma episode. Ugh, this happened last summer and the summer before that. BUT for some reason this summer she has been fairing so much better! I had hoped it was a combination of not getting sick with anything (we have been home for over three months) as well as a change in medicine. And maybe even growing out of her asthma all together. We were able to take walks, play in the backyard with the dogs, pick flowers, set up a little pool, and build a raised garden bed!
New Normal:
And then, the wacky weather hit, lots of rain, and some wind. And all of our outdoor time is now over for awhile. In years past if we had to spend excessive amount of time indoors instead of out side. We would always just go to the shops if we were bored. Weekly trips to the pet store, Walmart, dollar tree, or TJ Maxx were a must! Now with the virus we cannot even do that.
PVC Pipe Fort!
So, to occupy our new found indoor at home only time, we made a giant blanket fort! We have the PVC pipes made into a huge rectangle with blanket walls and a pillow floor. Since my daughter is in an asthma flair up there is no jumping and running around like crazy! So, we have been finding some small sit down activities to pass the time in the fort.
The Six Sticks!
The Six sticks activity was one we made up on the fly. It is literally as simple making little Popsicle stick crafts that are in the Dr. Suess book! Check out some of ours!
Trolls on Netflix!
The trolls seasons on Netflix has been a big hit in our home lately! They are playing all the time, especially for treatments!
Building with BLOCKs!
There had been lots of block and pillow fort building going on lately! We have been doing some Mega Bloks Projects which you can read all about here! My daughter has also been playing with the crazy stackadoos blocks which can be connected together from all different directions.
Water Beads!
Water bead sorting is another great sit down activity for kids to do. Get some cups and rainbow water beads. Then have them sort the colors out into cup full and just dump them back in.
Colored Water.
This is not to drink, but often times my daughter likes to just sit at the table and dip brushes in water color paint so that she can change the water different colors. Water color paint is so cheap that this is totally worth it! When my daughter moves around during an asthma flare up, things tend to get worse. So as many sit down activities as we can get is great!
Thanks for stopping by the blog today to check out some of our summer asthma journey. I’m sure their will be more posts to come! If you want to stick around you can sign up for our email listing!