Last Updated on May 7, 2020 by Brie
Today we are bringing to the table 5 fun things to do while you are in quarantine with your kiddos! If you missed it the last two days, we have been coming out with awesome quarantine lists of things that you can do to keep the kids entertained. In all, we will now have 20 fun activity resources with more to come in the coming days, weeks, and months as we all go through this social distancing together, in our own separate homes.
Spirit Riding Free House Collection
This set is a great combination of horses, barn, and riding dolls. The dolls fit on their horses very well. The entire set goes along with eh Netflix series: Spirit riding free. I think it has something like 8 seasons and a sequel if you are looking for some way to burn up some of the many long hours in your day! We have watched the season through twice in the past and my daughter really liked it. While it may have drove some people in the house to the brink of insanity…NO MORE SPIRIT riots happened. The first time through, I didn’t think it was too bad! Defiantly a cute set of play toys, if you are interested in them, I will link all the ones my daughter has below!
Easter Artwork!

It is now the season to start your garden seeds and Easter artwork with the kids. Today my daughter and I used some of our surplus of empty toilet paper rolls to make stamped bunny head scenes! We put stickers of strawberries and flowers in the grass! This was such a simple activity, to make the stamp you tape three toilet paper rolls together in a triangle shape. Then you pinch two of them to make pointed bunny ears!
The indoor slide is a total must! The outdoor air is still cool and breezy here as the last licks of winter finish up. Being stuck at home for two weeks now, I decided it was finally time to get some of the pint up energy burnt off! We cracked out the indoor slide! My daughter has been jittery and wild all day long, I think this little slide helped a small bit!
Start a free Language class!

Today for my daughters homeschool preschool we started a free Spanish class. I found an app for my phone called Duolingo that teaches you different languages in small bite sized pieces! 5, 10, 15 minutes a day. You get to select your language and they have tons of them. These small bite sized pieces are great for teaching kids’ languages! Be sure to check it out because it’s completely free!
Church Classes
Check out your local churches page and see what they have to offer in the way of kid’s classes. The school I pulled my daughter out of in the beginning of all this Covid-19 stuff was a church school and it is now offering free kid’s classes online! Lots of church websites and Facebook pages are now offering free classes!
I know at this point the social distancing for 17 days is really starting to get to everyone. If you are able to do little things like go outside in the back yard or go for a neighborhood drive, I strongly encourage it. I know my daughter’s mood has gotten very sad over the past two days despite all the activities we have been doing!