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SEVEN Day Activity Challenge!!!

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I don’t know about you, but I love a good activity challenge. For today’s post I am bringing you 7 simple activities to do with your kiddos, one for each day of the week. You can start the challenge any day of the week you want to! At the end there is a free printable so that you can keep track easier! Let’s dive right in!

Day 1: Bake Something!

We have actually baked a few something’s this summer…from our fancy play restaurant tables to our chocolate muffins we have had a fun time cooking.

Day 2: Go to the library!

The library is a great place to get your high energy kiddos to sit down and listen to a good book! We have gotten to attend library programs this summer where my daughter got to sing and make cute crafts. Whichever activity you choose to do at your local library this summer, I’m sure it will be a success.

Day 3: Plate Painting!

This can be anything you and your child want it to be…you can make plate flowers, flags, etc. My daughter chose to paint a fun plate and call it her map!

Day 4: Swim

Swimming is a must do item on everyones summer bucket list, so why not take a trip to the pool, or get a small one for your back yard this summer. I’ll admit the backyard pool went over a lot more than a trip to the pool did because my daughter doesn’t like to wear a life vest. So we have one of those small hard plastic kiddi pools so that my daughter and her puppy sister can play in it together.

Day 5: DIY wind chimes

For this one, all you need is a a stick of any kind, washi tape, some Jewelry wire, and beads! Here is what our finished product looked like!

Day 6: Read a good book!

Always attempt to read a couple times a week during summer! Maybe try it Pete the cats tooth fairy book!

Day 7: Take a pet out to Sonic!

My daughter and her puppy sister are so silly when you get them in the back of the car riding together. Our old man do also loves sonic. All you have to do is say the word and he is ready to go! We always have a great time chatting, taking photos and enjoying our food or drink!

These are all activities that my daughter and I were able to do over the last couple of weeks from our Come Play with Me Mommy Activity book. If you would like a free copy of this book for more activity ideas be sure to check out my blog post on it here!

Now it is time for the free printable!!!

Thanks for stopping by today! Leave comments below if you are going to try this seven day activities challenge!


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