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Summer Bonding Activities Based on Energy Level + Free Activity eBook!


Spending time with my little girl is an amazing gift! Consider every single movement you have with your child a gift! With that being said, I will admit that at moments my creativity is lacking. It is sometime hard for me to think of things to do with her, or perhaps I don’t feel well. Whatever the case, sometimes TV, Hulu, movies, or YouTube can be my babysitter. I don’t want this for the month of June, and I’m sure you mamas out there don’t either. So I’m and bringing you today some well worth activities to do this summer with your four year old. These activities require different energy levels, so if your tired, and kind of feel like crap. Then do the ones in BLUE. If you are like the energizer bunny, totally bouncing off the literal walls (what mama is like this???? Yeah, I don’t know) do the ones in ORANGE! If you are of a more medium energy level, like yea, you could get off the couch, but actually leaving the house, or prepping anything is too much then do the GREEN activities. I hope this helps you all this summer. Let’s dive right in!

Have a movie night with a picnic on the floor.

I know I just said I didn’t want the TV to be my babysitter, BUT sometimes you just feel bad. All this activity requires is that you spread out a blanket. You can have your child pick out the snacks from the snack drawer or you can microwave some popcorn. Then all you have to do is lay there and be close to them for a few hours…yes, you guessed it we did this in may, with our free Hulu trial.

Make Toe Puppets.

For this, have your kiddo bring you a pen or marker if you don’t feel well enough to get off the couch. With Crohns disease this is a real thing y’all. And then they can sit beside you and you can draw little smiley faces on their toes. They will get a kick out of this for a surprising amount of time. Let them draw on your toes to if you need to drag it out. Or let them doodle on their own feet. Its just pen it will wipe off.

Play with balloons.

What?? This one fits into the barely moving feel like CRAP, at your worst, activity???? Yes, yes, mamas it does and let me tell you why. If you already have a balloon blown up, which around our house we usually do, all you must do is lay on the couch and swing your arm a little bit to bop it back to your child. If you miss you they miss, look sad or laugh about it and I’m sure they will happily run after it for you. I know my daughter does.

Marker Transfer Art

This is one of my medium activities. ONLY because all of the supplies I need, we already have within the house. For this, all you guys have to do is have your child draw on half a piece of paper with MARKER, it must be marker for this to work, and then get it wet. We have a water spray bottle, but you could probably use a cheep perfume, or something like that to spray on it. Then fold it over while it is still wet, and a mirror image of the picture will be on the previously blank half of the sheet of paper.

Play with Kinetic sand or slime

Get out your little bottle of kinetic sand, or slime and set them up on the table or the floor. Then just sit there while your child plays and talk to them. With the kinetic sand you can get small toys for them to burry it in and a paper plate to put it on so it doesn’t make a mess. With the slime they can either use the container it comes in or you can pour it in a bowl.

Blow Bubbles

This one can be done totally dependent on your energy level. We have one of those unicorn bubble guns, you can buy one here if you like. Anyway, all you do is press a button and bubbles come out. You can spray it over the bathtub to prevent mess inside. You can spray it outside and your kids, and in our case dog too, can chase it. whichever your energy level prefers. For both you can just sit down and press a button. BUT you do have to get off the couch.

Go on a trip to the park or bounce house.

WHOOOOO nature and kids playing with other kids!!!! My daughter always has a blast on these activities and CRYS when we leave. You can learn a lot yourself from these trips, just check out my sibling age gap post I wrote last week. Learned all about it from a bounce house adventure. READ IT HERE.

Take a trip to the library and read fun books.

My daughter picked out a really great Geronimo Stilton book last time we were at the library, it has been funny and fun for her, and she asks me to read it to her. It is part of the Kingdom of fantasy series. I will link it here, so you guys can check it out too.

Plant a bean Seed in a bag to watch it grow.

This was a fun activity my daughter and I did this month. Do you guys remember doing this in school when you were younger? I do. You take three cotton balls, get them wet and put a bean seed or two between them. You put them in a plastic bag and tape it to a window, in a week or less it starts spouting and you can see the roots and stem. In two weeks or so you can see the leaves start budding and the stem will out grow the bag.

Make Sugar Scrub and have a spa time with your daughter!

All you need for this is sugar, sea salt or regular salt and olive oil. Mix it until it is a consistency you like and sit on the edge of the bath tub or sink and give your feet a scrub. Put on lotion after words and your feet and relationship with your child will feel great.

I hope you guys found this list HELPFUL!!!! Tune in next week for some more AWESOME content on the blog. I have ONE more thing for you though, that is super fun and helpful. I have the June COME PLAY WITH ME MOMMY eBook out. You can access it through the button or link below. It has daily activities planned out for you for each day of the month of JUNE!

Or here is the link:

Let me know in the comments if you found any of these activities to be useful.

Happy Mothering,


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