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How to Start a Blog the Right Way


Last Updated on February 12, 2020 by Brie

When I was looking into starting my blog, I read start Up after Start up guide. But sometimes I needed a little more, at the time I didn’t know what that “little more” was. But now that I’ve been blogging for almost a year and have all the bells and whistles on my blog, I have discovered the secret to what every blogger needs to do to have a successful launch. Not only will you have a successful launch with these steps, BUT you will also have a super fast one!

Now I’m not going to tell you that blogging is an instant success kind of thing, or that you will make your first $1000 the first night you launch your blog. This post will however set you on the right track.

The first step to starting a blog is to get it set up, you’ll need hosting and to make any money at all on your blog you’ll want to self-host. The most reasonable hosting service (for the money) is Bluehost.

Click on this picture to sign up:

Here is your step by step guide to setting up your Bluehost blog in about 20 minutes. Because who doesn’t have 20 minutes to start themselves on the road to success with a passive income source?

Setting Up Your Blog with

2. Select your pricing plan, for mine I went with the one year plan at first, but when I renew in a month or so I will be going with the three year package. I discovered, I LOVE BLOGGING!

3. Pick your Domain Name. This is what you want your website to be, are you planning for a .com (that’s what most mommy blogs are) or are you looking for something a little different? .blog, .us etc. I went with the .com and never looked back. As for the actual domain name, I knew before I signed up what I wanted it to be! Pick one you are passionate about.

4. Set up your account info. (I found it helpful to jump over and set up a separate gmail account for all of my blog accounts (social media and blue host), but that’s just me.) Did you like that parenthesis inside a parentheses? Yea, I have great writing skills…not. But I’m still a successful blogger! Heres all the set up info you’ll need:

5. Now that you’ve got all the technical stuff out of the way (probably took you a good 10 minutes in itself, I’ll admit that). Lets dive into the fun! Its time to pick yout THEME!!! I spent a longer time than needed doing this because I kept viewing all the pretty options. You don’t have to spend that long though because, you can always change it later, in fact I’m thinking of changing my theme soon just to give my website a little face lift (and its fun).

6. I would defiantly recommend blogging with WordPress through Blue host, I feel like it is just the easiest, most customization method to choose. So, here is a photo walk through to guide you on your journey…

7. Here is all of the tools they have to offer, pus you can get tons of Plugins to modify your site, we will be talking about those in a little while.

8. The next thing you have to do to make your site go live (where the world can actually see it) is launch the site. I recommend having a few posts already published on your site before you launch. I had three, one for every category on my site. Then I had some posts scheduled, one a week for three weeks after I launched my blog. This gave me about three weeks to write and schedule some more posts.

Now What? you have your site launched, you need viewers.

Create a Business Pinterest account and start following like blogging people, people who blog about things you do. I wrote a post you can view here on how I was able to increase my monthly Pinterest views (with business accounts they track this) by 65,000 viewers in just two weeks.

You will want to get the FREE Canva app to create pins for your site as well. You can put these in the posts themselves or add them manually to Pinterest and link your posts. You can read about how to do this in my post here.

Put Google Adsence on your site

This is a super simple process to do with the gmail that you created. You simply log into google Adsense with your gmail account and then drop their code into the header of your site, you can use the Header and Footer plug in, and learn how to use it here.

Start affiliated Marketing from the beginning!

The easiest affiliate program for products is VigLinks. I would defiantly recommend signing up, they look for key words in your posts and link the products for you, all you have to do is drop their code on your site! TO figure out how to do this aspect of affilated marketing and code related work check out this helpful article here!.

Now all you have to do is write posts, and have fun with it!


Updated January 23, 2020

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