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5 New Way’s to be the Fun Mom:

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Lines of Tape Spoon Transfer:

Today was day two of the get active inside activity challenge, for this challenge we got to do the “lines of tape spoon transfer”. Yep that sounds like a bit of a lengthy title for an activity but it ended up being a lot of fun we played with this one all morning long. activity was so simple and I’m so glad I received it in my email inbox today from hands on as we grow. If you haven’t yet checked out her website, it has tons of fun activities. We pulled another one from the website to do today as well, we’ll talk about it later on in this post. All the activity specs are illustrated in the printable she sent out.

To give you some further info on what we specifically did for our activity we’ll go ahead and get into that now. For activity we used a huge soup spoon instead of one of the small ones. We used a bunch of bouncy balls to carry in our spoons and we also used I small stuffed lamb. We didn’t have any colorful painters tape, so I just used the plain white tape and we made our three lines on the floor a curvy spiraled line, a straight line, and a zigzag. This is a really great activity that we will probably be doing again sometime.

Shadow Tracing Activity

The other activity we did from the hands on as we grow website was the shadow tracing. For this one you use any kind of blocks, stack them up in front of a piece of paper, and draw the shadow it creates. This was a super simple activity! Instead of using a fancy flashlight or anything like that we just shut off the lights and used the natural light streaming through the windows. While this was an interesting activity to try, it didn’t take up much time and it didn’t keep my daughter’s attention for very long. I can see where it would make for a great preschool activity. You could take it and make it an opportunity to learn how to trace lines.

Making cards for kids:

The color of smile program is a great way to have tons of coloring worksheets as well as color for a good cause. I love the idea of getting to volunteer with my kiddo but she’s still pretty young to do any extensive volunteering. Volunteering lately is coloring photos for color a smile. If you’re interested in coloring some of these pictures check out their website here.

Program coloring for is cards for kids. The only thing you need for this project is some paper and some crayons but you can also use fun things like stickers and cutting outs. This is a website that gives you ideas of what to say in the cards. They even give you specifics on what not to add to the cards and what not to say. So if you’re interested in making your own designs for volunteer work check out this website here.

Blow Bubbles in the Shower:

Blowing bubbles in the bathtub is such a fun activity for kids! It reminds them of summer and the outdoors. Bubbles are just one of those fun little things. But they can be kind of messy, I recommend a swimsuit, instead of cloths. Be sure to expect bath time shortly afterwards. We have an automatic but bubble blower that I set up in the bathtub for my daughter to play with.

Snow Sensory:

We created a snow sensory plate today. Even our dog took part in playing with it by licking the ice cicles and snow. My daughter loved playing with this sensory activity Because we could build little snowmen, and stir snow slushies with ice cicles! Totally adorable. All you need for this activity is a snowy day. Brink in some snow, and ice cycles on a plate and add some water and indoor ice to compare the the different ways water freezes (play-based preschool activity Mama’s!).

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