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The Best Summer Routine For Preschoolers (Homeschool Breaks)

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The Best Homeschool Summer Routine For Young Kids
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Last Updated on May 1, 2022 by Brie

I’m not always a stay at home mom, but I do have several days at home a week between the college classes and work. Some of them are more productive than others. I always feel like when I “blog” my day that I pay attention to the things I do, and cherish them a little more.
So, if any of you partial/or full single moms are wondering what to do with your days off, join us today as we go through and hour by hour synopsis of our day! (Today was a lazy day, so we got up at 9:00). You could use it as a base line guide as to what a young (teen/early twenties) single mom can accomplish during her day off!
So, with no further ado, here we go.


So, when we got up this morning we halted everything to see if we could fix one of her puppy toys, it was like a puppy surgery! Anyhow, it failed. But such is life. The next thing we did was a breakfast picnic on the living room floor. I made things like eggs, bacon, cereal, and got her a fruit packet. She watched TV and we chatted through breakfast. I came up with a couple things I was hoping to get accomplish!

To do list:

  • clean kitchen
  • preschool/read book
  • clean bathroom
  • laundry
  • play outside


So, for this hour I tried to be SUPER productive! I cleaned up the kitchen from out breakfast mess, wiped down the counters, did the dishes and cleaned the floors. To do this I swept them and spot moped them with a Clorox wipe. I went to start laundry and set my daughter up at the table because she wanted to color with some markers, actually her “doll” wanted to, but she said she was going to help them. I picked up the living room and got out some water colors because they changed their minds and wanted to paint. Then in the final remaining minutes we got dressed, and I gave her her medicine. We washed our faces and got ready for the day.


Thus, was my mom’s lunch break. Neither me nor my daughter we’re hungry because we had such a late breakfast, so we didn’t eat anything. We just chatted while my daughter played with her Peppa pig set. Then we gave our dogs some ice in their water, apparently it is the hottest day of the week, lucky us. I’m beginning to think playing outside might no happen. To wrapped up this hour of our day we put on a table cloth that matched the cutest little candle that my mom got from a friend. What a cute surprise to have a matching table when you get home from work!


Yay! We got to spend this time immersed in preschool reading. We had story time and read lots of fun books on a pallet with some pillows. Check out some of our book recommendations here:


We made this our outdoor time, and even though it was supposed to be the hottest day of the week it really wasn’t all that bad outside. I was able to put the finishing touches on out outdoor turtle enclosure, and we took one of our turtles out to it. We made silly shadows, and my daughter also had a popsicle while we were outside. We also took more ice to our dogs!


Lunchtime, or rather late lunch, with some relaxing music while I cooked. We had chicken fries, and some fruit.


We decided to go flower picking after lunch so we would have a big bouquet of flowers on the table for dinner! After we got back, my daughter wanted me to play Peppa pig with her, so that’s what we did for a while.



I took part of this time after playing with my daughter to clean the bathroom, checking another thing off my To-do list.

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