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Top 10 Wildlife Attractions For Your Next Trip To St. George Island (Homeschool Field Trips)

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Last Updated on May 1, 2022 by Brie

St. George island animal scavenger hunt! This is a cute idea, or initially I thought it would be. When I was doing my ‘research’ of the island I had seen where there were sharks, 500lbSambra deer, alligators, sea turtles, dolphins, and much, much more. So, I made an animal scavenger hunt up for me and my daughter to do on the island.

I personally was a bit disappointed because when we got down to the island, most of the animals (like all but two) weren’t on the island. I had been expecting this wonderful nature experience, or roughing it on a lost island, but that’s the farthest thing from the truth. So, if you’ve been doing your research too, just know that the ‘exotic wildlife’ on the island isn’t that plentiful! So, no worries about getting gobbled up by an alligator when you step out of your beach house!

With that said, let’s move into the animals we saw on/around the island!


1.) Seagulls

I feel like this is a total given to mention because, well we were at the ocean so odiously we were bound to come across a few seagulls. BUT Oh, the fun of a seagull feeding frenzy! On day one of the vacation I had set out to photograph each of the animals we saw on the island, but I couldn’t get a photo of a basic seagull. So that evening my daughter and I were sitting out on the back porch (screened in) and she was eating some cookie crisp cereal. I tried to capture a picture of a high-flying seagull but my camera just didn’t have the clarity. So, I took three or so pieces of cereal and we stepped out on the back porch and through them over the edge. This got the attention of a few seagulls who swooped down below the porch to feast. So, we got a handful and threw it up into the air. Well this was a BAD idea because more seagulls came and the dive bombed us. We ran back inside the screened in area of the porch. We through more cereal from the porch up into the air and they would swoop from the rooftop to snack. Here’s a lovely video, notice clear sky, then LOTS of seagulls.

At one point we had up to 8 just standing on the porch railing and then I counted at least 15 seagulls when the feeding frenzy occurred and they were all swooping around everywhere.

So, needless to say, seagulls where one of the things we crossed off our list.

2.) Pelicans

These were one of the animals I just couldn’t get a good photo of, but they were quite plentifully seen flying over the bridge and water that links Eastpoint, Florida and Apalachicola, Florida. This bridge was as long, if not longer, than the one that links Saint George Island to the main land. There are some beautiful ocean views though, and huge pelicans that fly low in the sky.

3.) Cranes

Again, these are another typical bird found at the ocean, and while we saw a few on the beach, there was some standing on the bay side of the island as we were leaving East point. My lack of quick camera skills leaves me with no picture to show.

4.) Dogs, Dogs, and more Dogs!

Yes, we didn’t bring either of our dogs with us but this is a dog friendly island. So, I felt like everywhere I went we saw a dog. They were in the shops, on the beach, and just walking with their owners along the roads. There were even dogs at the park. One of the predominant dogs on the island were LARGE poodles, the next were Mastiffs. Here is an adorably sweet poodle named Lala that one of the shop owners had (Island Outfitters).

5.) Jelly fish

The jelly fish were very abundant on the beach while we were there. each walk on the beach we took, there was at least one jelly fish washed ashore. I’m not talking about the tiny ones (though we saw a few of those in the mix too) I’m talking about the big ones. Nothing I wanted to be stung by!  Check out this picture of a huge jelly we saw (featured by a man’s foot (size 12).

6.) Starfish

This was one of the first times I’d seen a life star fish on the on the beach. The poor thing had washed ashore and the tide had gone out leaving him stranded. Anyhow we scooped the poor dear up and helped him back to sea. Here’s a picture of how star fish move as you hold them.


7.) Bears?

Well I didn’t see any bears BUT apparently there are some lurking around in the forest because there is a bear crossing sign over in Eastpoint before you cross the bridge toward Apalachicola. Though there was none along the road for me to spot.


8.) Fish, turtles, and trillamites!

While. Didn’t see any fish myself in the ocean there were plenty of fisherman on the bay side of the island, and plenty of gear in Albany of the fishing shops. The place I saw fish (other than on restaurant plates) was the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve Nature Center. This nature reserve is in Eastpoint just before you cross over the bridge to Saint George Island (it’ll be on your left).


Here are some of the cute little fish/turtles/and trillamites we saw at this nature reserve!

9.) A cat

Goodness I found it soooo hard to believe that at one point in time Pearls here was a ferial cat! But the workers at the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve Nature Center, said she was. This cute kitty which is missing half of one ear just laid in our way on the steps and barely even batted an eye when we petted her. Such a sweetheart!

10.) Alligators

Nope, sorry to disappoint, but even the locals say you won’t see an alligator in this area. But they brought in a stuffed alligator to the nature reserve. Here’s a photo of it about to eat my babies hand.



Then, here are some interesting feet on a stick that I saw at the Jolly Roger Surf shop on the island.

Here are two scavenger hunts to do in your next trip to saint George island: One that has the more exotic animals, and then one that has the animals we actually saw on the island.

Printable Wild Life Scavenger Hunt 2

Printable Wild Life Scavenger Hunt


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