Are you on the hunt for the perfect free printable schedules for homeschoolers? Well, it is that time of year when homeschoolers solidify their schedules for the upcoming semester and start unboxing curriculum packages. If you want some free printables or resources, then you are in the right place! Today, we will go over some awesome free resources that you can print without an email.
1. Free Printable Homeschool Attendance Record

The printable homeschool attendance record is a simple printable log with a notes template that you can use to track the hours of homeschool you do each year. In some states, you have to reach a mandatory amount of schooling hours, such as 1000. So print your attendance record today! Check out more about state requirements with our guide.
2. Minecraft Elementary School Schedule Game

Are you looking more and more into game-based learning because it makes childhood more fun? If so, then check out our Minecraft-inspired school schedule templates. If you have a second grader, there is a prefilled template available or one with blanks to fill in your own activities. You cut out the player pieces and glue them to laundry clips to play the Minecraft game. Then each day, your child can choose one and move down the levels until she reaches the portal or treasure chest!
3. Annual Homeschool Report

Many states require you to make and turn in an annual homeschool report or portfolio. Check out our free annual homeschool report printable if you would like yours to have a professional-looking flare. You can easily fill in all the blanks, and there are many great pages for things like reading logs, transcripts, spelling tests, schedules, learning objectives for the day or week, and more.
4. Self Care for Homeschool Moms

Self care is essential for homeschool moms and it is one of the top eight ways to manage the stress that comes with being the care giver, teacher, medicine giver, cook, and more for your home. So for all, you do as a mom, grab a copy of our free printable self-care checklist for homeschool moms. Start your year out right!
5. Pet Care Checklist

Are you teaching your homeschooler to care for pets? Then why not print them out a cute and simple reminder chart for some of the key things they need to do to care for their furry friend? You can get a free pink pet care checklist to print today here on the mommy-daughter love blog!
6. Free Pink Printable Reading Log

Do you want to keep track of how many books your child reads this school year in a simple format? Then grab our free pink printable reading log! Plus, you can also print out 30 free bookmarks from our printable library to help make reading more fun.
7. Preschool and Early Elementary Schedule

Do you want some great bonding activities for your preschooler or early elementary schooler? How about some boredom busters for your spare time when you are not doing homeschool this year? We have a week’s fun activities in a great prefilled schedule here on the blog! It is free to print out, and no email is required.
Free Printables Schedules for Homeschoolers!
We hope you enjoy these free printable schedule logs to start out your homeschool year strong! You can access more great resources in our full printable library.
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