It’s no secret that homeschooling is growing by leaps and bounds. But there are still some topics that can create tension. The rise of the Patriotic Homeschooler movement has been one such topic that has divided people. The idea of expressing patriotism through education can be both rewarding and controversial at times. It’s essential to think carefully about whether or not this learning style fits your family. In this article, we will explore some pros and cons associated with patriotic homeschooling methods. We will also examine how these may affect your decision-making when choosing an educational path for your children.
Pro: You Can Teach Your Children About the Founding Fathers and Their Ideas
If you choose to homeschool your little patriots, chances are that you will do this in a patriotic manner. In other words, you will teach them about the founding fathers and their ideas. The history of the founding fathers is ever-shifting. When I grew up, the founding fathers and almost every one of their day were Christian. Christianity was not just a religion but a cultural norm in the 18th century. Now that fact has been largely forgotten by many people today. Even though it is a vital part of what makes us different from other nations around us! Many schools now teach that the founding fathers were deists or had no religion. For example, it is now commonly taught that the founding fathers believed in a natural order of things, maybe even a higher power. But that everyone should practice their own religious beliefs or not at all. Other versions of history being taught are more extreme.
Plenty of resources are available for those who want to teach their children about our history as Americans and why we have so much more freedom than any other nation on earth. Choosing your curriculum wisely will help you navigate the ever-changing historical narratives and instill good values in your children.
Con: It Isn’t Easy to Be Patriotic When Things Don’t Align With Your Value System
One of the major drawbacks is that it’s difficult to be patriotic when things don’t align with your value system. For example, not every law in America will line up with your beliefs. It’s also important to remember that patriotism is a personal choice—not something everyone will want or need. Not everyone will be waving American flags during the hurricane, so to speak.
That being said, it can be gratifying when you find ways to incorporate patriotism into your homeschooling plans. Patriotic songs, for instance, are fun to sing and help kids feel connected to their American heritage. Viewing yourself as an “American” vs. whatever background you are from also helps to instill a sense of national unity.
Pro: You Can Teach Your Kids How to Participate in Democracy
When you teach your kids about being patriotic, you can also encourage them to participate in democracy.
Saying “vote” is a bit of a shorthand for other civic participation activities: getting involved in community organizations, reading news and keeping up with current events, and learning about the political process. You don’t have to take your kids door-to-door campaigning for candidates or run for office yourself if you don’t want to. It’s enough just to encourage them to be informed so they can make their own decisions when they’re old enough.
Patriotism doesn’t mean blind loyalty or unquestioning obedience. It means honoring the constitution, following laws (including those made by elected officials), treating everyone kindly, and respecting our nation. That’s why we all—including our children—must practice these virtues daily.
Con: You May Get Angry or Frustrated if Your Politics Differ From Those of Your Elected Officials and Their Supporters
You may get angry or frustrated if your politics differ from those of your elected officials and their supporters. For example, if you’re a conservative, you might strongly disagree with the liberal policies of the current administration. If you’re a liberal, on the other hand, you may be equally displeased by conservative policy decisions.
If this is something that would make patriotic homeschooling an uncomfortable experience for either parent or student (or both), then it’s time to come up with some compromises. Or consider leaving altogether. Some people are leaving in droves. Others choose to stay out of loyalty to their country or family members who love America more than they do themselves (and vice versa). There are many ex-pat living communities all over the world filled with Americans who didn’t feel like staying and weathering the storms for one reason or another.
Weighing all pros and cons is something every family has to do before making any major decisions like moving out of the country. It’s not easy, but it can be done!
Pro: You Can Celebrate Holidays and Incorporate Them Into Lessons With Ease
Holidays are a great way to teach kids about history, customs, and traditions. They can learn about family while they’re at it! These things are all important parts of our country’s heritage. So why not use holidays as an excuse to teach them?
It’s also fun for the whole family! You can make holiday crafts and decorate your house with festive colors and decorations that help celebrate patriotism. The fourth of July is a great patriotic holiday!
Con: If You Live in a More Diverse Community, It May Be Challenging to Find Other Families Who Teach Patriotism and Celebrate Holidays the Same Way You Do
If you live in a more diverse community, finding other families who teach patriotism and celebrate holidays the same way you do may be challenging. You might have to:
- Find a church or other community group that shares your values
- Find friends who share your values
- Make friends with people who don’t share your exact values
If you want to move to a more homeschool-friendly state, check out our guide to the easiest states to homeschool in.
Pro: You Can Create a Sense of Belonging and Connectedness for Your Kids by Showing Them How They Fit Into American History
There is much to be gained in the patriotic homeschooling approach. You can create a sense of belonging and connectedness for your kids by showing them how they fit into American history. Teaching children about their country’s good and bad past is also essential. This gives them a better appreciation for where we are today because they get to understand how we got here and our legacy as Americans. However, there is an ever-changing narrative – especially regarding our national identity – so you must keep up with what’s happening in America today.
It is also essential that you don’t let your values and morals slip to appease those around you just to fit the current national narrative. It is ok to look different from it.
Con: You May Encounter Some Resistance From Other Homeschoolers Who Don’t Believe In Teaching Patriotism or Think That Holiday Celebrations Are Exclusionary or Unnecessary
Not everyone agrees that teaching patriotism is a good idea or even appropriate use of a homeschooler’s time. Some homeschoolers think it’s unnecessary to teach your children about the United States and its history at all. In contrast, others believe that holiday celebrations are exclusionary and divisive, so they don’t want their kids to participate in them.
Suppose you’re planning on joining a local homeschool community for support. In that case, you should be aware that some communities won’t accept any family whose curriculum includes patriotic education because they feel it’s inappropriate—or even dangerous. These could be Christian communities that don’t believe in taking oaths or participating in governments or secular communities that don’t believe in the “traditional” cultural norms of America, so they don’t want to teach them.
Pro: Your Kids Can Learn Various Songs and History Surrounding the Nation
You can learn a lot of history and culture surrounding the country, as patriotic songs are often used to teach children about America. Songs like “God Bless America” and “The Star-Spangled Banner” teach kids about our nation’s imagery and language.
Some books that focus on more specific historical events may be helpful when teaching your child how to read them correctly. For example, older textbooks might be beneficial when teaching them about the Civil War or World War II since they tend to contain more detailed information or a different narrative than newer ones.
Con: There Are So Many Perspectives on Each Issue, or Historical Element, That You Risk Teaching Things Contrary to Others
There are so many perspectives on each issue or historical element that you risk teaching things contrary to others. You could try your best to plan ahead and ensure that you don’t teach something that contradicts others’ beliefs. However, this is impossible because there are so many opinions out there, and it is difficult to find all of them. Giving up your values in the process is not worth it.
If you want to explore some places to get a great individual history curriculum tailored to your needs, then check out our guide to the top nine online curriculum stores!
Abeka Is A Patriotic Homeschooling Approach
The Abeka Academy takes a Christian worldview and patriotic approach to teaching kids. In Bible time, kids say the pledge of allegiance each day. They also sing a variety of Patriotic songs. In addition to learning about our nation’s older, more Patriotic songs and the national anthem, in Bible time, they also work on them in music class. However, it works for a Christian school because many of the older national songs incorporate God.
Since Abeka Academy takes on a Christian worldview and teaches history from this standpoint. The founding fathers were Christians in this curriculum, as were many of the other Presidents. People prayed and went to church throughout our nation’s history. “One nation under God” philosophy is taken to heart and emphasizes giving kids a sense of unity. This curriculum teaches kids to be proud to be an American and teaches a heartfelt historical background during elementary school. It takes on the approach that America is a great and beautiful nation.
This take on history can be contrary to what is taught by secular curriculums, however, or even in some public school systems. You need only to look at the news or social media platforms of teachers to see how controversial teaching from this standpoint is. Some people are all for it. But others are 100% against it. If you want an in-depth review of the Abeka curriculum, check out our guides to Abeka for first or second graders.
You’ve probably gathered by now that the pros and cons will vary from person to person. But if you’re looking for an interesting way to teach your kids about America and what it means to them as individuals, then patriotic homeschooling might just be perfect!
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