Bulletproof backpacks or homeschooling? That is the question that many parents are grappling with as they try to decide how best to protect their children from school shootings. Sadly, mass shooting incidents in schools have become almost commonplace. Both teachers and students are at risk during a mass shooting. But is homeschooling the answer? Some parents believe it is.
Many Parents Have Heard About the Recent Mass Shootings and Wonder if they should homeschool?
Many parents have heard about the recent mass shootings and wonder if they should homeschool?
There has been a rise in homeschooling since the beginning of the pandemic. As time goes on, the public school numbers haven’t returned to normal. In some places, parents pull their kids out of school in droves. There were 27 school shootings in the United States from January through May of 2022. This year there have already been 200 mass shootings nationwide. Shootings don’t just happen in schools, but this year have hit hospitals, subways, and stores. Mass shootings have been on the rise, with over 650 nationwide being reported in 2021.
Is Homeschooling Possible in Your State?
For those who want to give homeschooling a go, you’ll need to check your state’s regulations first. Eight states have no regulations at all, and you can check out our guide to homeschooling in states with little to no red tape to find out more. Some states require a teaching certificate and visits from someone in the school system. If you want to learn more about homeschooling in highly regulated states, we have a guide for that too!

Is Homeschool Easy?
Homeschooling is not always easy and simple. If you think it will be, that’s great! But if you have unrealistic expectations about the amount of time and effort it takes to homeschool, you may end up disappointed. So let me be honest here: homeschooling is not for everyone. It takes a lot of dedication and commitment from both parents and children, but with that said, it can be done by anyone who puts out the effort.
I would first recommend ensuring your child has an organized curriculum that includes all their subjects, so they don’t get bored or lose interest in their studies. You need to make sure that the curriculum aligns with what your state requires or whatever standards they have set forth. Hence, everything fits together nicely as one unit instead of having things scattered all over the place with no continuity between subjects/grade levels/etcetera…
Another important aspect when starting out homeschooling would be setting up a routine schedule where certain subjects are taught on certain days throughout each week, so everyone knows exactly what needs to happen next without having too many surprises along the way (which might lead kids into panic mode or a meltdown). This helps keep things orderly at home while still allowing flexibility within those parameters if necessary due to homeschool naturally being more flexible.
Is Homeschooling Social?
You may be wondering how homeschooling fits into your overall social plan. You can use homeschooling as an opportunity to build social skills. Your kids will learn how to make friends and network with others, but they will also benefit from a safe environment. However, even virtual classes and homeschooling co-ops are not free from bullying or other negative interactions. Suppose you choose a co-op or online program. In that case, there will likely be opportunities for your child to interact with other children in their age group and adults willing to help them learn important life skills such as sharing and cooperation. Not every interaction you come across will be a positive one. But that is life. However, it is a little more controlled than in a public school setting where bullying can run ramped, exceeding what one would normally consider “bullying.”

Is Homeschooling Affordable?
Homeschool can be as inexpensive or expensive as you want it to be. Homeschooling is free for some families because they already have all the resources they need at home or in their community. Others may purchase curricula and materials that are more expensive than traditional public schools but still cheaper than many private schools. Many free online resources are available as long as you have internet access.
For example: if you don’t mind spending a few dollars on textbooks or buying school supplies such as pencils, notebooks, folders, and binders, this expense can add up quickly! However, if your child has access to these things at home, then there’s no need for additional purchases like this one either way; just take note that sometimes these items may come with an extra fee! There are lots of curriculum options available, you can choose from one of the top five big box Christian curriculum companies, or you can choose from the most popular homeschooling curriculums among parents in 2022.
If You Choose Public School, Should Your Child Have a BulletProof Backpack?
NBC News recently reported on the new wave of parent hesitancy to send kids to school. They brought up the point of bulletproof backpacks as a potential solution for parents who cannot afford private schooling or homeschooling.
The idea of bulletproof backpacks has been around a little while, but it is by no means mainstream. It was reported that some parents were buying them for their children out of fear that mass shootings would happen in their local schools. Some people believe these backpacks can help shield students from bullets, while others think they could make things worse by giving students a false sense of security. These backpacks will obviously only protect one side of a student, and many students, especially in younger grades, are not allowed to carry their backpacks with them to specials, lunch, recess, etc. Most don’t even have their backpacks at their desks during the day. So it is unlikely they would even have the backpack with them.
Although some are fancy and pop apart like a bulletproof vest, claiming to protect against AR-15s and AK-47s, not all of them will. Plus, many parents question if sending kids to school in a bulletproof backpack/vest and their tennis shoes on gym day is worth it, or does it create more problems down the road?
However, a high school student would be more likely to have a backpack or carry one from class to class if the school allows it as they change classes hourly and have more books to carry. College students also carry backpacks around campus, so such a backpack might be beneficial at this level. The downside is that they add about 8-10lbs of extra weight to carry around.
Pick the Plan That’s Right For Your Family
I hope this has helped you to decide if homeschooling is right for your family. It can be a great option if you want more flexibility, but it requires a lot of work. If you decide against homeschooling, then having a bulletproof backpack might be the best way to keep your child safe in school.

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