Spring and and summer crafts for kids are great. They give kids something fun to do in their downtime, though some can add up to quiet a mess pretty fast! Today we are going to look at a bunch of fun crafts for kids that are simple and cheap to make! Before we get started check out this awesome craft set with all the things you will need to make spring crafting fun! (you can grab it on amazon here!)

1. Tic-Tac-Toe Stones
This activity is super simple, the kids could probably do it on their own, but its so fun you may want to help out.
- Start out with an empty cardboard box
- Squirt some acrylic paint in the bottom of the box.
- drop in smooth stones.
- tape the box closed with duct tape and SHAKE IT!
- Then, pull the rocks out and let them dry
- put x’s and o’s on them.

2. Silly Paper Cuttings
We did a project a few years back on some silly paper cutting artwork. Have the kids cut out tons of scraps paper and then glue them down at random! We called these our dinos.

3. DIY Wands and Hats
Another project you can do is grab a magic kit and make some fun wands and hats! You can get one here off of amazon here.

4. Letter Taco Craft
The Taco letter DIY craft is great for preschool letter recognition! (View or original activity post here!)
- Cut out a large oval of yellow constuction paper for the taco.
- Cut out different color squares of construction paper for the toppings.
- Have the kiddos write one letter on each square. We did all 26.
- glue the letters all over the oval and around the edges.
- fold the oval to make a taco!

5. Bean and Flowers Sensory Bin
You can make a fake flower sensory bin for the kiddos to dig around in! It is like a little garden for kids!
- Fill a large plastic tub full of dried beans (brown and black)
- Cut appart fake flowers and leave 5 to 6 inch stems on them. Put them in the tub.
- Put little plastic flower pots into the plastic tub.
- Add plastic shovels to the tub.

6. Mud Painting
On a muddy day, take some paper outside and have the kiddos paint with the mud to make silly designs. Or make your own mud specifically for the activity! You can check out all the details for this activity here.

7. Make and Decorate Cupcakes!
You can grab a ton of fun spring sprinkles here and make and decorate some fun cupcakes!

8. Make Pom Pom Caterpillars!
You can glue pom poms together and googly eyes to make cute caterpillars and worms! Grab a kit for making fun crafts here!

9. Roll A Dice Art Games:
We have some fun roll a dice art games based on some of our children’s books. You don’t need the books to play the games though. You can grab your copy of the spring related game here and the dog related game here! Below is an example of our spring related game being played out. All you to is roll the dice, then read what you have to draw for that number on the dice. We were making silly rocks in this game, but between the two sets there are 6 games total! So be sure to check them out!

10. DIY Lady Bugs
Use those KID SAFE hole punches to hole punch out some black construction paper for the dots. Then cut out red circles for the bodies. You can draw the rest with crayon and add some cute googlie eyes.

There you have it, OUR list of 10 fun spring crafty activities for kids!
Thanks for stopping by,
For More Resources to finish out your school year strong check out these resources:
- Spring Flowers Printable Crafts for kids or teachers!
- Story Based 3D printing pen mats for kids!
- Decorative bunny journal
- Is it a rock? | easy reader book for kids learning phonics
- This dog… | Easy reader book for kids learning phonics
- Free Phonics Game for kids!