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24 Days Until Christmas and Covid-19 is EXPLODING

It is crazy, Christmas is just so close and Covid-19 is EXPLODING. Like seriously rampaging through our town to the point that people in the health department just up and quite because they couldn’t keep up with it. The people of our town flat out refused any contact information, openly admitted via social media to blocking the health departments number on social media, and then the town went viral for it’s stupidity in spreading the virus. It’s bad. People “pretend to care” then do a variety of things like visit multiple stores in one day, attend weddings, go on vacation, etc. There have been super spreader events and businesses that get a case and it spreads to 5 or six people at a wack. I mean it is insane stuff.

Our doctors have been crying bout to city council, and other places about the horrible dire situation they are in. Hospitals are filling up. But we are not the only town painting this horrible picture for you this close to the holidays. There are so many people, so many towns, just like ours. So, for today, I’ve pulled together a multitude of articles to illustrate how wide spread and serious this is. Because from a grass roots level, people aren’t really “getting it”. They still had Thanksgiving as usual. I heard of multiple family gatherings that were large. No one is really understanding the danger here. How bad things are really getting! So, let’s talk… serious.

“Americans are choosing death over deprivation”

These are the kind of stories that are making headlines after Thanksgiving, and it is true beyond belief. Instead of just sensible letting covid dampen down in the nation, instead of smothering it out like other nations (admittedly few) have by staying at home and only going out for essential. Instead of keeping the levels down to give some sort of relief to our overwhelmed hospital systems. People are choosing to let death happen to themselves, and those around them, just so they can go on living their life unaffected. Just so that they don’t have anyone “telling them what to do”. I was watching one city council meeting (virtually of course) discussing our personal horrible situation, where they gave the floor to towns people…who one said (following a harvard dr.)

“I don’t have her creditals, but I don’t believe the government should control us. The government isn’t our parents, and you council people are trying to do our parents job. Telling us what to do and when to do it. No one has the right to tell us that. And further more, no one has freedom from the virus you all mentioned. It is a virus. It’s everywhere.”

Well his parents spoke and proved to be even more anti government than he was. It is absurd. They litteraly chose death of themselves not others over wearing a mask and being considerate of others health. Government is in place so our society doesn’t go into completely chaos and ruin. Even the Bible illustrates the importance of government throughout many of the books, because God knew without some kind of structure as a society we would fall apart. How even supposed christians, who are stepping forward as anti government right now, are doing this is beyond me. Not every single choice the government makes is one we all agree with. But the crazy level of anti-government that we are hearing now, even at these city council meetings that I watched virtually was insane.

Anyway, if you want to read more of this kind of topics to educate your on the lengths americans are going right now, you can read the article here.

“What are these like nudest?”

Yep, you read that quote right! It was said by bill gates yesterday on his new podcast. I’ll give you all some context in a bit but, he featured Dr. Fauci in his first episode and it ended up being a great success. Dr. Fauci really lays out for you the state that we are in. He talks about key things like, why we are using the military to work with vaccine distribution. Well one reason is that the vaccine has to be kept super cold. Like colder than what a normal (rural) hospital would have access to. He also talks about some of the new medication that has come out to help lessen the affects of severely Ill covid patients. For instance the type the president took, also must be stored cold. Our local rural hospital doesn’t have the facilities to store such medicine. So, we don’t have access to it, but Dr. Fauci said this was the case with many hospitals. This, the military will be used for there use of mobilizing such extra cold shipping unites and facilities. It is truely interesting. You hear so, so many conspiracy theories going on and on and people freaking out about this, that, and the other. They really don’t listen to the facts. To the cold hard reason (pun intended get it cold?) Anyway. If you want to listen to this podcast with all the great logistics and information about vaccines, what we know right now about distribution. The state of covid-19 in our nation, and what we know about the life saving medicine currently available. You can listen to the podcast here.

But I did promise you some quote context! So, Bill gates was discussing that he couldn’t understand why people couldn’t just wear a mask! So he said,

“the idea that somebody is resisting wearing a mask, that is like such a weird thing to me, what are these like nudest? You know? We ask you to wear pants, and no american says, well very few americans say that’s like some terrible thing.”

Well, we probably have a very large nudest population in america is all I have to say. Lol

“The inmates working in the morgue will earn $2 an hour.”

More tragic events unfolding around the United States as el Paso texas became ground zero for the pandemic around mid November. They are still desperately struggling. If you want to know what ground zero looks like, it is truly out of a horror movie. Just unreal..BUT IT IS REAL LIFE. First off, there are freight container morgues brought in to store bodies, because they have run out fo space. Then, they have run out of people to work carry the bodies from the hospital to these morgues, so they are using trustees (inmates). You want to see the photos? Hop on over to this site here and you can see what is really going on.

Then you have people, actually people who stand up in front of city council meeting, who post on their social media the following:

“We shouldn’t have a mask ordinance because this could all change so quickly and get better. Then the government wouldn’t remove the mask ordinance, and we would be stuck with it longer.”

Seriously, people! This isn’t going to magically disappear on its own! They overcame the pandemic in 1918 by herd immunity, after it infected 1/3 of the worlds population, and killed off 50 million people. They had caskets carted through the streets. Is this the state we want to be in? It doesn’t sound like it. Many experts are telling us that this is not the way to go.

Practical ways to help Stop the Spread

Anyway, with this post I wanted to illustrate for you all how dire this situation is getting. Maybe open a few eyes. Encourage people to at least attempt to stay safe. We do all of the following tips, so they are steps you could implement in your life too! You can take easy steps like:

  • Wear a mask
  • Talk to friends over zoom instead of group gatherings.
  • Plan ahead for a zoom holiday… prepare to do some something small instead of large!
  • Use grocery pick up instead of going into stores.
  • Do your holiday shopping with amazon prime, or walmart pickup.
  • Don’t eat out (we don’t even get take out)
  • Don’t to bars!

Thanks for stopping by today! Remember, 24 days till Christmas! I know everyone reading this would probably like to be alive and Covid-19 negative in 24 days! If you are setting a small goal, make that your goal!


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