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Art Class With A Turtle


This is a class we MUCH earlier in the home-school semester. But better to post it late than never because it was absolutely adorable! Art class for kindergarten home-school can be has unique/fun/hands-on as you want it to be. I’ve given many free resources in the past on the blog about a variety of free art classes that we have found over the past few months! You can find this post here! You can also find 20 hands on fall craft projects here!

We found a baby turtle:

We had art class with a little bitty turtle one day back in early September! My daughter had such a blast for this school day! This was such an adorable tiny turtle and didn’t mind participating in the festivities in the least. We have several large box turtles which we like to take outside on nice days for sun, but this little fellow just really takes the cake.

Drawing Baby Turtle Habitats:

For art class we designed habitats in a sketch book for baby turtles. This activity was simply meant to be creative and fun. The habitats weren’t realistic or anything like that. In this first photo you can see a neighborhood starting to form around this little turtle. Little Turtles Neighborhood. My daughter used Crayola erasable colored pencils for the project. These pencils work amazing and they are great for kids who are super particular with their work and HATE making mistakes. So, if your kid scraps a piece of paper because one line got messed up I 100% recommend these pencils! They really do erase very nicely. You can grab a set from amazon here! They would be great for drawing projects for the upcoming lock downs!

Trees and Forest Habitats:

For this habitat the same pencils were used, and my daughter did a really cute apple tree with flower garden theme! Look how tiny this little turtle is! We had such a fun time with this art class getting to explore nature elements during the class, and drawing away! That’s one thing I really love about homeschooling. When fun opportunities like this arise we are able to partake in them! We have the flexibility to do fun little extra curricular that were not originally planned for that day. This lesson is an example of one of them.


As we are all gearing up for Thanksgiving and lockdowns are being put into place in large cities across our nation with new stay at home orders, be sure to think of some of your blessings. I know our public school system went virtual in the older grades. Many school systems across the nation are doing this. If you are home more with your kiddos, look at this as a blessing not a curse! It is a blessing because you get to pour more influence into their lives. You get to be around them more! Take advantage of that time!

I am so grateful for this homeschool opportunity we have been given and my daughter has come such a long way in her learning! We have gotten to do so many FUN activities it is just unreal! I love it! I find it is better in the hard times and Horrible situations going on around us to sometime step back and think about some of the things we can be thankful for. I want to end todays post with a really POWERFUL bible verse for this time! In the turmoil and in the hardships that this world is throwing at us, Paul reminds us of this in 1st Corinthians.

“Now these three remain: Faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” -1 Corinthians 13:13 (HCSB)

During this season of life I have become very choosy with the versions of the bible that I brutalize. This is because in many version KEY verses and passages are manipulated (very different) or even missing. From the day to day I typically use a printed KJV version of the bible, but I cross reference with a digitable, searchable version of the HCSB. I really liked the wording of the verse in HCSB. So, I’m not going to go too deep onto why I only use these two versions of the bible now BUT that is my little two cents tangent on that.

Thanks for stopping by today,


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