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Do your part to stop propagating the pandemic!

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Let me start out by saying that in our small town the coronavirus cases are quickly approaching 1000 and the death toll is now in the double digets. These have both increased since I did my last coronavirus update a little over a month ago. You can read the last update here. In this past update I mentioned how youth deaths are on the rise and I said that they aren’t attributed to covid directly but that they are partly because of child abuse being on the rise, as well as drug use in young people. It is horrible. Furthermore, since I last did a post there has been more research come out on how covid negativity affects kids from an unusual medical standpoint as well as LITTERALY how much spit we actually generate when we talk and how much a mask actually is effective in stopping it. Let’s watch that video before we continue with my post:

Slow-Mo Proof of Masks being effective with Dr. Fauci:

Wow! Now, if you weren’t grossed out by that video you either 1 didn’t watch it our 2 are just really weird and might as well not read the rest of this article because there is really no helping you there! No, I’m joking. But seriously, it was gross. I never realized how much spit talking produced. Or how true those memes were about the teachers telling the kids to talk in their “non-disease” spreading voices. It was truly an enlightening video! Send it to all your anti mask friends…I think they would benefit. Anyway, you might benefit from them wearing a mask. If you liked that video. Then in the resources at the bottom I have a few more with Dr. faux that are really enlightening about the state of the pandemic, his qualifications as a doctor (over 37 years of pandemic experience and 6 presidents advised). He is a very capable man if we would just listen to him. Now, that you have seen some really gross stuff about the pandemic though, let me share with you the really heartbreaking and the really sad stuff.

How Covid-19 Is Causing Horrible Things to Happen to Our children’s Generation.

I wanted to dive deeper into these topics this month because as I have thought about it, I have come to the conclusion that YES, many HORRIBLE things that are happening to our children’s generation are directly related to the coronavirus pandemic in some way. I did a post raising awareness to some of these things that have been on the rise happening to the children of our world. There is so much plaguing them. (I lost subscribers for this post by the way, I guess people would rather stick their head in the sand then hear the truth and the dangers.) You can read this post here.

In that post I outline so many of the horrible events that have been on the rise but I mainly want to talk today about abuse in the home that has been on the rise AND how we all can do our part to help stop it. Here are a few articles you can read as extra resource if you want learn more about how the system that catches child abuse is crumbling, but the hospitals are being hit with it. (And our hospitals are being overwhelmed with covid. Some have been turning people away.) So all around this situation is already going from BAD to WORSE.

That is just three of so, so many head lines. I have to say when the schools were all going to open back up I was very, very against it. I thought it would spread covid like wild fire (which it has). Here is has ignited the second wave. BUT I also wasn’t looking at the other side then. And honestly, if adults followed guidelines better (as we will talk about in the doing our part section) our schools would have been able to open safely.

Our Personal Pandemic Experience:

My daughter and I have been social shielding. Which for those of you who don’t know is an more strict form of social distancing where you DON’T leave your property and you do things like grocery delivery and sanitation. You sometimes take drives. You zoom call people etc. Basically it is limited contact with the outside world. It is for the “medically high risk” to covid patient such as those with sever asthma or other sever medical complications. You can read about social shielding here. It was mainly done over in the UK and not too often in the US.

So, for us NONE of this stuff like how anyone else was affected by the virus (other than medically) really dawned on me for awhile. For the most part I just thought the rest of America was wearing their masks and social distancing, (HINT: THEY WEREN’T). I wasn’t planning on putting my child in public school. To be honest I don’t really like them because they teach a lot of atheist values and promote a lot of horrible things to the children (you can read my views on that here). So, for me I just thought a lot of kids were gonna be kept safe from getting killed by a virus if they were kept home and not swept up in an atheist culture for a year. I thought they would be better off for it and have a lot more family time. It would bring families closer together. That is personally how are home school experience has been. I absolutely love it. I love getting to see my daughter learn and grow in every single subject she goes through. I like getting to be the ring leader. I like getting to plan activities. I like just the coming aspect of it all. BUT as I have been reading the news more and as I started doing more research and having people from our “closer circle” come into horrible issues in their own homes, it has definitely made me rethink things. PEOPLES HOMES ARE NOT ALL SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS.

Educate Yourself About Covid & the Pandemic:

YES, YOU, YOU right there can help do your part to help fight this pandemic and child abuse.

Lets start out with some base line back story: We were zooming someone the other day and they made the statement that, they just had to keep going on with their life. They were “careful” but they still had gatherings, etc. Wore their masks sometimes. They compared Covid to the flu. It hit me right there the lacking knowledge people had.

It also brought back an article to mind of how humans have a very poor perception of danger unless someone (or themselves) has experienced that danger. This article said that since most Americans don’t directly know someone who has passed from covid, that they don’t perceive it as dangerous especially since the pandemic has lasted for 8 months now. (sorry, I couldn’t re-find the article for you). BUT I realized how true this really was. IF it isn’t affecting your daily life in SOME way, them most Americans are going on. Even the majority of our family outside the immediate house hold, is going on with life.

The death toll from covid infection is currently up to 220k cases at the time of writing this article with 8.1M infections nation wide. AND we are going into a horrible fall. This death toll doesn’t include the children who have died as a result from being stuck at home with abusive parents because schools have been shut down. Imagine if those number’s were added to the totals. Do you think it would be up to 230k? Usually almost 10,000 children die in the US every year. BUT this year more people are dying than usual.

BUT covid doesn’t just cause death. It can cause HORRIBLE HORRIBLE long term problems like damage to the heart, lungs, and brain. PLUS an array of other symptoms. You can read more about the long term affects of the virus here. You have 100,000’s of thousand of people running to covid long hauler facebook groups and doctor after doctor because they cannot figure out what is going on with them. It also causes some horrible effects in kids that are just now starting to immerge. (Note the above video). They are winding up in the ICU too. These numbers are not counted among those whose lives have been distroyed either.

NOW the children who haven’t died from the abuse they endure in abusive homes but are enduring DAILY abuse (like the above articles mentioned) are at home because as bad as public schools are, their home is 100% worse. And their only safe haven, the public school, has closed or at least partially closed to them BECAUSE covid is running rampant. In our local schools kids only go 2 days a week but in my masters class I have been talking to teachers who only see their kids 1 day a week in person. This isn’t enough of an escape for these poor kiddos! These lives are not counted in the numbers either.

How can we stop propagating the pandemic?

Now that you are educated on the pandemic. How it is affecting, killing, harming so many people, you probably want to know how you can do your part to not propagate it further! You want to do your part to help keep schools open for the students who truly need it as a safe haven. You want to protect the 30% of our american population that is supseptible to negative side effects and death from covid. You probably want to protect yourself too! We are all in this together and it has to be a nation wide effort. So, here are practical ways to help stop the spread:

  • Wear a mask when in public places.
  • Wear a mask when outside in populated areas.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Help educate people on the pandemic by sending the slo-mo guy and Dr. Fauci video to all your friends! Here is the link:
  • Use Zoom to stay connected over the winter months and stop having gatherings with people outside your household.
  • Get your flu shot to avoid the twindemic this year.

Alright, that’s all I have for you today guys! That’s my covid update.


Extra Resources for the Pandemic:

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