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Mother-Daughter Halloween Art Activities!


I thought to myself the other day, why can we not have pumpkins year round? Then I sadly remembered. Oh yea they aren’t in season. Pumpkin and all the bright changing colors are some of my favorite parts of fall. And the photos. I just love some good fall photos. Note: our profile pics are pumpkins all year round! I love it! The GETTING REALLY COLD part is the part I like to forget about. For use though, a good majority of summer is missed staying inside with asthma symptoms. So the transition from summer to fall is not really noticable unless you have these cute fall pumpkin/halloween traditions. It’s not like we plan anymore to be heading outside every nice fall day! That would be a depressing joke. So, we have about…hmm..5 pumpkin currently sitting inside our home and one giant one right outside the window. If it wouldn’t rot (and my daughter wouldn’t bust it climbing all over it) I would just as soon have that one inside too.

I absolutely love carving pumpkins! I love everything about it, the creativity, the feel of the pumpkin. It’s all great. My daughter on the other hand…does not like to carve them. So, we only carved one this year. The rest of them have been painted. Today, I’m going to take you through some of the fun mother daughter halloween inspired art projects we have been doing this month!

Feel free to snag some ideas to do this week and get in that fun fall mood!

1.) Pumpkins in a wagon!

I’ve talked about the free youtube art classes for kids before on the blog, but they are great! If you haven’t heard of them it is the YouTube channel “The Art Hub for kids”. We found this how to draw jack-o’-lanterns in a wagon one day this month and just had to participate! I have taken to drawing some of the projects with my daughter because she thinks it is more fun! With my love of pumpkins I must say this art project was amusing for the both of us! So, check out the video tutorial here and do a mother daughter art drawing session!

2.) Little Ghosts Drawing:

This is another drawing tutorial we did from the art hub for kids. You can check out this tutorial here! Do the same thing, make it a mother daughter drawing session! So fun!

3.) Pumpkin Envelopes!

We made these pumpkin themed square envelopes for our #1 project the pumpkins in wagons drawings. This was a fun one because even though we didn’t use any of the tutorials we still uses the skills we learned from the tutorials to draw similar pumpkins.

4.) MINI Pumpkin Painting:

Paint some mini pumpkins this season with the kiddos! This is such a fun activity. You can have glitter out for the kids to sprinkle on the pumpkins or q-tips for the perfect little round poka-dots. OR you could do pumpkin portraits! The kiddos can paint portraits of family or people on a pumpkin. How fun!

Now you have it, four super fun mother daughter activities for your to do this Halloween with the kiddos! Instead of trick or treating this season, you could do one of these fun activities on Halloween! OR you could participate in our Halloween tradition, an asthma friendly trick or treat. You can read about it here…IT IS SOCIAL DISTANCING APPROVED!


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