Last Updated on November 5, 2020 by Brie
Deaths of young people and children are on the rise this year. It’s not just covid. Like I’ve said before it’s drug over dose, it’s suicide, it’s a lot of things. A few weeks ago I did a post that avocated against child abuse. I feel like I’m not very good at avocating against big things like this but violence in the home can lead to the rise in deaths in young people.
Corporal punishment can lead to child abuse:
You can read my post and watch the video linked to it that advocates against spanking and how corporal punishment, even with the best of intentions can lead to abuse here.
Social Worker Visits
I’ve seen in the news how social worker visit with the pandemic are less and less frequent and even non existent where they are really and truly needed for some kids. Many issues that happen within homes are caught in schools. (But, let’s face it a lot of schools turn a blind eye to it too). And now, at the beginning of September, law makers are turning a blind eye to issues of child abuse even more as well.
The California state law that passed.
I wanted to share with you some of the horrible california state law that passed at the beginning of September. It makes it easier for people who comitt acts of sodomy, rape, and other lew’s acts on children to walk away free without even getting out on the sex offenders registry. You can read more about the law here or I have included some screenshots from the site below!

I mean come on. Seriously? Is their no decency!!!!!
In a pandemic time when child abuse is on the rise why would you put in a law such as this? It frustrates me beyond words. I cannot write down enough words to express how much this angers me.
The sad part is, I don’t even know how you even stop this madness! I mean sure you can write about it. Raise awareness, have a few 1000 people read it but it isn’t going to change the reality of the situation.
Children are going to suffer for this one. Parents are going to suffer for this one. And yet nothing is going to be done to undo the damage.
This is something we must pray about. Of the many things we have to pray about this is another one of them. I hate to send my kid out into the world after this pandemic is over because I dread how dangerous it will have become.
If you want to know the really sad part though, it is that the laws don’t really matter. If you look at this case that happened the other day in the show me state you can see an example of where the prosecutor gets to decide what the punishment is, for horrendous crimes against children. It is just awful that people who rape children and impregnate them get to then walk free. They have all the proof they need of who did it. And it was her own brothers. You can see the case here.
The affects of kids getting exposed to violence.
With the team and violence of the race riots currently going on in our nation and the violence kids see on TV, and the violence in video games KIDS are getting more violent themselves. Here is another issue we need to pray for. This is just terrible. Kids holding kids at gun point and screaming racial slurs. Kids beating up other kids now in the name of “race riots” violence. These race riots are affecting our children in horrible ways. It is not peaceful protest. It is poor examples to them of looting, arson, and shooting. Read more of the article here.
Library Story Times Turn Demonic.
It’s everything…our kids generation is being attacked in every single way. In long beach at a story time where 60-70 people were reported to attend it was taught read by a drag queen in a demon costume. Stories about “it’s ok to be different” to kids. What’s going to happen to the next generation? This isn’t encouraging acceptance. It is encouraging children to be interested in demons. You can read more about this even here. And then I’ll include a screenshot from the site below. (Updated Nov. 4th 2020)

Mothers pretend to abort their toddlers
The latest Tik Tok trend (even though Our President is doing his best to get rid of this crude app) is to post videos pretending like you are aborting your toddler child and then dancing provocatively and “happily” about it. What??????? Don’t believe me? Read more about it here.
This is not ok. This is not ok to even pretend. Just think of the way the children will feel when they see this video when they are older. They are bound to come across not if they live that long. If you think the depression rates are HIGH in kids now…it’s this kind of stuff that purposely makes them feel worthless.
If you have young children that you can pick up then the children in these videos will be the ones your kids grow up with. Our children’s generation is going to be gravely afflicted by depression, the feeling of worthlessness, and sin worse than our own and worse than our parents generation.
What can we do as mothers?
What can we as mother’s do to combat this? We can pray, pray for our children’s generation. After seeing this news of the latest trend I prayed for the kids in these videos. For got to protect them and their hearts from the feelings of depression and worthlessness when they saw these videos. We can be diligent in teaching our children good things and about the lord. And we can be diligent with the influence we give our children, music wise, tv wise, book wise etc. They will be the light in the darkness one day for kids and people who didn’t have that level of diligent support in their lives.
Be diligent in pouring out goodness into your kids! Don’t get caught up in the main stream mama’s.