We introduced more art to our homeschool routine last week because my daughter LOVES art! She can go through a ream of paper in a week flat! With this blog post I’m going to show you three super cute projects that we did last week. Then I’m going to rave about where you can find FREE art lessons for elementary school kids! We love this so stay tuned for the end!
Abeka Academy Art
We get one art project a week with the abeka academy K5 Program. They are really simple and cute and typically take about 15 minutes to complete. Throughout some of the skills development videos they also have “art related” projects like little drawing things. There was a gardening unit where they had little paper carrots. Here was my daughters little paper carrot! So cute!

How to Draw Faces:
One day last week she told me she wanted to learn how to draw faces better. So, I pulled up a really simple faces video. You all can do this faces lesson here. It is like 2 minutes long and it shows kids how to draw the basics of a human face. You can grab this super easy free Lesson off Youtube for your homeschool routine too!

The Art Hub For Kids!
This is the one I’m going to be raving about! It is a free program on YouTube mostly geared for elementary aged kids! It is an amazing drawing program! They have tons of step by step drawing tutorials and FUN tricks! It is a definite must subscribe!
We are going to start mixing in a few of these video art lessons in each week!. The kids can draw their favorite book/cartoon characters. Animals. Fun paper tricks!
The first project we did was the puppy stacks! We stumbled across it by accident after seeing the faces video. I’m so glad we did. Aren’t these puppies stacks by a 5 year old so cute?
Thanks for stopping by today! We have a few more really cute art classes to share in the next couple of weeks so be sure to stay tuned for those!