Last Updated on August 19, 2020 by Brie
I needed a me moment by 1:00 today. I didn’t realize how much of a person it actually took to homeschool. How draining it has been. I don’t know if it is because I haven’t felt well the past two days of this or not. But my chest hurt at the beginning and it hurt even more at the end.
I think today was an over all success though. If I could actually get off the couch and continue on with the rest of it. Like taking out the trash, changing the animal cages, bed sheets, dishes, and laundry. I have days for these things. And I have let the routine slip over the last week of not feeling well.
The Real Work Begins:
We started the real phonics in identifying words that sound like they have the letter I in them today. It wasn’t all painstakingly repetitive. At the end we got the supplies set up for tomorrow. (It works well to do that! My daughter is all excited because we need stuffed puppies, construction paper bones, socks, coins, and Legos of the lessons!
The things I like About Abeka Academy:
- The things I like about Abeka academy so far is that it doesn’t take up All of our day! I add in little games, and a story time as well. Some inside jokes, or even an educational Netflix show can be worked in too!
- Another thing I like is that it’s easy to look through the already made up lesson plans for each day and dig out the supplies the day before. There are no surprises!
- The videos can be kind of structured and overly upbeat. Almost cringy in a way of I have to be completely honest. Perhaps that is just Kindergarten though! I like that each little detail is laid out.
- My daughter seems to be enjoying her kindergarten experience! The videos have things like pom poms on the board, felt, counting, etc and we have those similar things at home that we do along with it on the desk. I think that helps to make it more fun for her!
- The hands on will be intensified tomorrow with all the best supplies like stuffed puppies and socks!
- There is still plenty of time to be a kid!
- Lots of kid appropriate songs, and my daughter loves to sing. Unfortunately she has some trouble keeping up. I wish they had a book with the songs or something that they sing. (I am a really bad singer). Maybe these are common songs I don’t know. But since I cannot sing in tune, and the videos sing with like. 15 kids voices…she says it is kind of distracting.
Anyway, just a little update on the kindergarten process. It’s going well.