It is that time again, to tell you all about our experience in the second week of virtual summer camp! We were super relaxed this week and didn’t do a lot of activities with the camp! It didn’t help that week two was not as involved as week one. BUT it still gave us some fun things to do!
Week 2 Video: “Animal Habitats”

You can visit the San Diego Zoo Site for episode 2 of the virtual summer camp by clicking the above image! These episodes are like a TV show in length but they pause for the kiddos at home to answer the questions! LOVE IT!
DIY Humming Bird Habitat!
We created our very own humming bird habitat in the back yard this week! We made a little red humming bird house and a little perch for them! Next time we do a Walmart pick up (yes we do grocery pick up instead of shopping because of the pandemic) we are going to get a humming bird feeder! We considered getting one off amazon as well though, because they have some really cute finds!
For our humming bird habitat we made our house out of a plastic 2L Bottle and some paint! Our perch is made from wire, a small dow rod, and red beads to draw in the humming birds! We have seen two humming birds that live around our home so we are hopping to get to see them a lot more!
Animal Encyclopedia
We have a book of over 500 types of animals in it, it is a great animal encyclopedia! Off and on this week we have pulled out our book and looked at the animals and read about where they come from! Sometimes it is nice to have a book in your hands instead of just the internet or phone! Grab an animal encyclopedia for the rest of summer from amazon here:
Animals in Action:
One aspect of the episode this week was doing animal workouts! This is where the kiddos act out different animals in their habitats!
Live Cams
The Live Cams this week were really LIVELY we saw the tiger out and about for the very first time this week! We also saw the penguins chase each other! The hippo was out too! The baby elephants were out eating and the platypus was swimming to and fro! Enjoy our photo of the tiger and you can check out the live cam here!

Exploring Komodo National Park!
We have been trying to do a virtual experience every once in awhile. This past week we “traveled” to the Komodo National Park and got to see the natural habitat of the komodo dragons and see how they interact when people get close to them! We set up a fake car, and even took pictures as we went through the experience! We did a second experience as well which you can watch here:
AWESOME Fairy Habitat!

I was shopping on amazon the other day and found this awesome fairy garden habitat for little girls! Doesn’t it go super well with our safari camp themed summer! IT HAS REAL MIST! and little flowers that the kiddos can grow! Look at that table and chairs! Be sure to check it out on amazon here!
Thanks for stopping by today to see week two of the safari camp! We are loving San Diego Zoos free camp!!!!! It is not too late to jump on board with this free summer camp!