Exciting Virtual Announcement! We joined the free San Diego Kids Corner summer camp, and so far these past two weeks have been such a great experience! This camp is a free summer camp for the kiddos and they get to learn about all sorts of animals and where they live! The host is Dr. Zoolittle and a talking zebra named Roberta! With that said you can probaby imagine that it keeps the kiddos attention quite well!
How it works!
Each week there is a new video posted which is the virtual camp experience. Throughout the video they give fun crafts ideas, snack for the kids to make and so much more! It is less than 30 minutes long so the video itself doesn’t take too much time! If you want to take it a step further (parents) you can write down the activity ideas and do them with the kiddos throughout the week! You can also give them paper or make a scrapbook of each weeks adventures! Today, we are going to tell you everything we did for week one! you can check back on the blog for weekly updates on the camp and all the activities we have done along with it! Lets dive in!
The DIY Journal!
Before the camp started we made our VERY own Camp scrapbook as a place to keep our memories and what we learned throughout the summer! It was so easy to make! Since the camp is 16 weeks long we used 16 pieces of copy paper stabled between the covers (2 pieces of construction paper. My daughter decorated the front with stickers and I wrote San Diego Zoo on it! You can make your own memory book too!

Week 1 Video! “Animal Builders!

The first part of the camp (we usually do this step on Mondays) is to watch the episode and see what the week will bring!) For animal builders the name gives it away, you get to learn trivia, hear jokes, and make snacks that center around animals that build their own homes very elaborately! We did tons of activities through out the week to go along with this episode!
Beaver Damn Treats!
This first week was a blast as we designed cool animal homes and explored the animal builders! One snack they mentioned in the video was the beaver damn treats! A super easy snack for kids to make!

Make your own Animal Leaf Art
Another awesome activiy that the club recomends is to make your own animal leaf art! We went outside and collected tons of fun flowers and leaves adn my daughter ended up making a turtle in her scrapbook for this week!

DIY Birds Nest!

This was our own idea from the week because the video talked about birds making their nests (very breafly.) So, we collected nest making items and made this nest for one of the days of what we have now dubed as “Safari Club”
Glitter Ant Hill!
Done and Done! Another day of safari club down and we created a cute glitter ant hill. The first episode talked about ants who carry huge leaves on their backs and take them back to their homes! So we made some art based on that!

Bring Writing Into It!
Since this is kinda like our summer school before kindergarten we have been trying to bring some writing into the equation. Several days this week I had my daughter draw animals from the video and write down what they were! We have the dung beetle (a true master piece if I do say so myself) the ant, and the beaver!
Dress the Part!
Don’t forget to dress the part! For safari club we have been wearing safari hats and fun animal print shirts like ones with flamingos on them!
San Diego Zoo Live Cams!
Each day we also try to tune into our favorite live cams to check some of the animals from around the zoo! They Have BABY everything right now I feel like! Baby hippos, elephants, and condors! Of course there is baby Apes as well! LOVE THEM! Enjoy this screen shot of the baby and mama hippos then check out all the live cams yourself here!

Leave a note in the comments below if you are joining us for this free virtual camp expereince this summer! 2020 is the perfect year for exploring virtual camps and staying in!