We had a kids throwback show marathon the other night! It was were I showed my daughter a bunch of shows from my childhood! They are all on YouTube for FREE now! It really surprised me how different kids shows were back then compared to what they are now! Now there is hidden agendas, lots of evil and witchcraft themes, as well as a lot more violence! They even fight on the new my little ponies shows! It is crazy! The shows from long ago, or at least these are a lot more pure! It was a fun throw back night! Lets go through some of them that my daughter and I watched!
Rollie Pollie Ollie!
Bear and the Big Blue House
I loved this show when I was little, it brings back such fond memories!
Dragon Tails
This is the show that actually kicked off our marathon, I don’t know why I didn’t put it first! But anyway, we came across it in an OLD magazine and I thought my daughter would like it! So we headed into the TV to search YouTube for it! There is a TON of free episodes available!
Blues Clues!
I actually watched the older version of blues clues when I was younger, but they only had the newer version for free on YouTube! So, we watched it instead. Out off all of them, this one doesn’t keep my daughters attention as well as the others!
Maggie and the Ferocious Beast!
Clifford the big Red Dog!
Hope you all enjoyed this throw back marathon with us! It is crazy to see old shows like this from my child hood! I don’t know why!