I don’t know about you, but day after day of official preschool with worksheets is getting hard. My daughter HATES it with a passion and even though she sits at her little desk, she has started to care less and less about her studies. I decided we defiantly needed to mix things up a bit. Maybe it is a blessing that we used up almost all our worksheets. It is forcing me to get creative since preschool workbooks seem to be a rarity and we currently don’t have a printer to print anything out with. Yesterday, in an attempt to remedy the solution, I took out her preschool journal and made up worksheets with rainbow markers thinking she would find them “fun”. Yea, not so much. Being stuck at home and forced to spend an hour a day at “school” is really wearing on my little girl. Today, we are doing completely different projects and my daughter seems a lot happier! I’ll go ahead and show you some of them now. I know we aren’t the only ones who are up to their ears with distain for worksheets.
Trace letters in sand.
We have a small box of sand for making sand gardens. You could also use a plate with some sand as well. If you don’t have sand then, dry dirt might work as well. I like the box because you can just give it a little shake and the sand smooths out. Anyway, for this activity you just take a deck of ABC cards and put them at the top of the box. Using the eraser end of a pencil or even a popsicle stick, have the kids draw letters in the sand. My daughter went through the whole deck very willingly! She was having a great time with this new kind of preschool. For kids that dislike handwriting, use sand writing!

Rock Garden Sensory Activity!
This is a great one to do proceeding the Sand Writing because you already have the sand out. Add some rocks to the sand and maybe a fork and have the kids do a sand sensory activity!
City of blocks!
Legos are so easy to count, there is always way more Legos than needed for counting at the elementary and toddler age. Plus, kids love some good old fashion Lego fun! For this exercise you can use paper or a dry erase board and divide it up into sections with numbers. Have the kids build towers out of the legos (or even blocks). Tell them they are building a city! Each section is where a new building needs to go but the building must use the number of blocks for that section! Super fun challenge for the kids and not only does it get them counting, it gets them engineering and having fun! (my daughter made ours as elaborate as possible!)
Do some science! BOOM!
We love volcano science, you can get a volcano kit, or just a small cup and mix together baking powder and vinegar to make a bubbling potion or volcano explosion! Kids love fizzy science! you can use measuring spoons or cups and make it a fun math game!

Rainbow Numbers!
The last activity to talk about today for preschool is the rainbow numbers activity. Get out all the colored markers you have and some paper. Make some fancy rainbow numbers by writing over each number with all the different colors!
Thanks for stopping by to check out some fun preschool activities that aren’t worksheets (breath of fresh air right?). As we are now rolling into summer and away from preschool, I can imagine you are all as ready as we were to escape the worksheets!