We are back at it with more of our home-school preschool lesson posting with another fun routine to try out! This home-school preschool routine consist of a few curriculum books as well as a fun app for android phones!
Home-school preschool supplies:
For this last wee we have still been working with our favorite early learning dry erase board book! If you are interested in the dry Erase board book for your home school program you can get it from amazon here!

This dry erase board book is so practical because it has all of the “book” learning aspects that kids need to know to be kindergarten ready! It includes anything from ABC’s and numbers to farm animals, tracing, telling time, and counting! Get yours from amazon here!

This is the curriculum book we have been using for specifically learning numbers. While the dry erase book is great and pretty much universally covers everything a home-school preschool program would need, I just wanted to add some more books to our curriculum! The curriculum book we are working through is the bendon numbers book . It allows you to not only work on the actual number but also trace the word for the number.
Plus these two books just go so well together, their green’s match nicely!

The next thing that we have been doing is tarting out the class time with a journal activity! We have a composition notebook for our journal activities and they typically center around a fun letter activity! You can get super cute and girly journal that we have here from amazon! It is “mermaid at heart composition book!

The last curriculum book we have been using to learn our letters for the home-school preschool program is the Dr. Sue’s ABC’s book! My daughter has memorized some of the pages we have read this book so much! It is a really catchy way of teaching letters! Get your copy here!
Writing Utensils for Kids!
Lastly we have been using crayons, pens, ad pencils for our home-school preschool program. Ill go head and link these up on amazon below. Our favorite pens to use are the piliot FriXion color sticks. They are amazing and better than pencils! I even use them for my college classes. Anyway, having fun utensils, and letting the kids pick them out before lessons helps my daughter feel more motivated! (I think, that;s how it seems!)
Home-School Preschool Lessons
The last thing we are going to be talking about today is a couple of lesson plans that you can use these products with! These are some lessons that we did next did last week!
February 20, 2020:
- In the Dry erase board book we traced letters A through M and did the counting quiz on the last page!
- We studied the number 1 in the numbers curriculum book listed above.
- we read through the Dr. Seuss ABC’s book!
- We the used the learning app to do all of the tracing and letter popping on the balloon!
- We did a dry erase board challenge. This challenge dealt with writing the letter that each item started with. I drew a ant, ball, and car!
- We also did a journal activity for the letter Aa in the composition book: Draw yourself as an ant and write the word ant.
February 21, 2020:
- In the dry erase board book we traced letters N through Z.
- We also did a journal activity for the letter b in the composition book: Draw yourself trapped in a ball and write the word BALL.
- Then we the used the learning app to do all of the tracing and letter popping on the balloon!
- We studied the number 2 in the numbers curriculum book listed above.
- Read through the Dr. Suess ABC book!
- We did a dry erase board challenge. This challenge dealt with writing the letter that each item started with. I drew a egg, fish, and girl!
Glad you could stop by today to read all about some fun preschool lessons! Let me know in the comments below some of your favorite preschool lessons in the comments below!