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8 Single Mom Safety Tips for Living “Alone”


How do you stay safe, and live as the only adult in the home? Well with this post we are about to figure it out together. you and I will be going over 8 major safety tips and concerns for living as a single mom. Statistics say that almost 50% of women with kids are single moms, so someone is bound to figure out how to live this life safely.

I have poured through the way to try and determine some of the very best safety tips for single moms, this way we can all do our best to keep ourselves and our kids safe. And you know what? I found some really good idea’s. I also found some pretty poor ones too.

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Remain Alert for suspicious activities:

Safety tip number one for living as a single mom is to stay alert for anything that’s out of the ordinary. Basically, for me this is just the sort of shear jumpiness that I was hoping to avoid. But nevertheless, I hear every car on the road, every dog bark, ever knock in the house. I feel like I investigate it all when i am alone. It can get tedious. If you’re thinking that this is the ultimate safety route for you then you can read more security tips dealing with remaining alert HERE! While remaining alert is a very important and advisable method of staying safe, you have to sleep sometime! So, lets move on to some of the other great tips I found.

You might also like: A year’s worth of entertainment for single mom’s to distract yourself from being jumpy.

Update you home with the works

Safety tip number two for living as as a single mom is to update your home with the works. This goes right along with the whole staying alert thing, but YOU don’t have to be the one who is on constant guard. Updating your home with some of these great recommendations could probably help ease that jumpiness. One important home update to improve your safety is to get a small front door camera. They work way better than a peep hole because you can see so much more, and you can link them to your phone to see who is at your front door from ANYWHERE. Honestly, a simple front door camera is like $40 . The heck with trying to convince you, just get one for piece of mind woman!

Next cut all those dang trees and bushes by your windows and doors. That will get rid of places for creeps to hide. Now, if you consider a $40 camera, and cutting down some bushes to be “the works” then that’s certainly fine with me, BUT you could also get better locks for your doors. Instead of just a door handle lock you could also have a deadbolt installed. Want more practical tips like these? Check out the article here from Divorce Magazine. 

Get a dog: 

Single mom safety tip number three is one of my own, but i thought I’d throw it in here. Get a dog, we have a great dog that would not only alert us but would probably act pretty aggressively if needed. It would give us time to get away. You just have to love those little mutts, don’t you think. A dog is like a loyal security system until you flash out the pizza slices.

Read more about OUR little guard dog in her first birthday blog post here!

Watch your social media!

Single mom safety tip number four is to watch out for social media! I’m serious. I have social media but it would be pretty hard to track me down in real life. Some tips: use a pen name, use nick names for your pets, kids, town, etc. Don’t out your real age out there. Don’t out identifying photos out there. Be smart mama. The world is full of creeps out there (it is sad to say but it’s true). More practical tips like this one can be found here from Working Mother. 

Fake Out Method:

Single mom saftey tip number five is to try “the fake out” method. Things like leaving the lights on around your house when you are gone or even home to make sure outsiders think many people are home. Another fake out method, or perhaps just a non-discloser method is don’t broadcast around the town/work that you are a single mom. If you need to wear a ring to “prove your point” fake point but still. (This only works if you are definitely not looking for a husband). This way you don’t become a target. For more advice on the fake out method check out this article at Get Piper.

Be sure to follow phone and mail safety.

Single mom safety tip number six deals with phone and email safety. This one is unique and so important. And probably often over looked. If you have to show your name on anything from checks to mail boxes to signing the outside of mail for instance I could use B. Wetherby and you wouldn’t know if I was a man or woman. That’s the recommended thing to do. Don’t hand write anything get labels, and not the frilly girly kind. That way people can’t tell from your hand writing if you are a man or woman. For pete-sakes just get a post office box for like $40 a year! That way you are not putting your home address out there. 

Pay attention to voice mail too…

Single mom safety tip number seven goes along with the phone tip, VOICEMAIL! For me personally I don’t even say a name in my voicemail…so if you aren’t sure who your calling you won’t know if it’s me or not. I’m not my phone voice sounds nothing like my real one! But if you do use a name use your last name…for instance You’ve reached the Wetherby Residents. For more great information on personal name safety check out this article by A Secure Life

Stay Educated on the latest security measures.

Single mom safety tip number 8 is just to stay up to date on the latest security measures that you could have in place. You should also do your research with articles like this as well as with your states sex offender registry list and crime data. 

Thanks for stopping by today and letting me educate you on some good single mom safety tips for living alone!


P.S Extra resources for moms/simple tips here!

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