Last Updated on January 8, 2021 by Brie
These Activities are great to do with kiddo’s who will not EAT the pom pom’s. This is just a simple bit of advice that I though t of sharing before we dive into these two cute little activities!
Pom Pom Cupcakes!
My daughter had a blast the other night making pom pom cupcakes! We dug out a muffin tin and a bag of pom poms from the dollar store. Then we sorted them by color into the different muffin tins. She immediately thought they looked like cupcakes, so we made a variety of rainbow cupcakes from unicorn horns to the effile tower. Simply with some imagination and some pom pom piled in a muffin tin.

Pom Pom Surprise!
I stepped into the bathroom after this activity and when I back my daughter surprised me with a little pom pom cake birthday party. (Even though it is not my birthday.) She set up plates and everything!

Pom Pom Obstacle Course!
The pom pom obstacle course was so simple to make. You just take some toilet paper rolls and a box to make it simple. My daughter wrote the numbers on the toilet paper roll pieces I cut out. Then we tapped them in a box like an obstacle course and shook the box around the make the pom pom go through the DIY rings. We were a little extra and taped a flower in at the starting line. We even took turns timing each other on my phone. Defiantly a great minute to win-it game!

Pom Pom Cup Toss
This activity is super simple! Get out a bunch of cups and set them up on the floor. Put a piece of tape on the floor about 2 feet or so from the cups. Throw the pompoms into the cups with your kiddos while staying behind the tape line!

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