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Hand and Foot Print Halloween Art Ideas for Kids!


Hand Spiders!

This one was a fun spoof off of the popular baby shark song! As you can probably already tell the smaller hand prints at the top are my daughter’s and the larger ones at the bottom are mine! For this activity you don’t paint your thumb, only your hand and four fingers. Then you just stamp one hand down. Paint the same hand again and stamp it down in the opposite direction with your palms overlapping.

Foot Ghosts!

For this one we took turns painting each others feet with white paint. We stamped them and drew eyes on them after the paint was dry! This was the simplest of our artwork!

Foot Witches!

This beauty required the most add-on’s but it ended up being totally cute! My daughter drew the brooms on for these little witches and was so excited! I’d have to say this one is probably my favorite project on the list!!!

We loved getting to take the afternoon and just create with paints and markers! My daughter was so proud of the finishing touches she got to add. To make this activity extra special and VERY mother daughter we I painted her feet and hands and she painted mine! I challenge all of you Mama’s with young daughters to take some time to sit on your kitchen floor like we did and do one of these activities. You wont be sorry!

Thanks for stopping by today for another fun Halloween craft!!!! I so enjoy these! Let me know in the comments below your favorite Halloween craft is to do with your kids!


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