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Our Experience in Nashville Tennessee


Vacations create a lot of material for bloggers and writers in general. Its why one of the most important things to have at each place you are staying is WIFI. Our Nashville stay lasted 2 days and it really wasn’t the norm as far as vacations go. Well I take that back, it may have been our norm, but it wasn’t the over all norm. Now that I have set up the hook line and sinker of this blog, let me tell you about our trip to Nashville Tennessee.

Aquarium Restaurant:

I have been to Nashville twice with my daughter, and each time we have been through the area we’ve gone to the Opry Mills Mall which is home to the Aquarium Restaurant. This place is completely magical if you loves the ocean. It is literally like walking into an underground cave filled with interesting sea life like sting rays, fish, and eels. The tables are set around in this lovely atmosphere and you can see the huge aquariums. Mood lighting further sets the scene to give you that impression of an underwater experience. The chicken quesadillas are delicious. Before the meals we love going around and looking at the aquariums, taking photos, and having tons of fun here!

Sorry, I ate some before taking a photo!

Gaylord Hotel:

We went to the Gaylord Hotel on our first trip to Nashville, and it is literally the most magical hotel I have ever seen. When you walk inside the building it is like waking into a lush rainforest with bridge like walkways, white stair cases, waterfalls and fountains. You can hear a bubbling brook as you walk along. The rooms balcony’s overlook this beautiful place. It would be the perfect place for a wedding or honeymoon! The year we went one of the gardens was set up in an Alice and wonderland theme and my daughter loved it.

Adventure Science Center:

The adventure Science Center is such a great place to take young children. There is so much to climb on and so many ways for them to burn off energy. You can start at the bottom floor and climb with the kids through the playgrounds all the way up to the top with a pyramid that overlooks Nashville. This same pyramid lights up in festive colors at night. Furthermore, there is an entire space exhibit for a little bit older age child with a replica of the solar system to walk through, anti-gravity moon walking, and space games. As you wind through this adventure you can see a real beehive with bees and honey, as well as an entire medical wind with and ambulance the kids can tour, and huge replicas of brains, hearts and other organs for the kids to tour.

Urgent Care/Hospital:

My daughter ended up in one of the urgent care clinics in Nashville as well as one of the children’s ERs. Originally, I just thought se caught a little stomach but until she started to cry in pain that her side hurt. At that moment I began to worry and get very afraid that it as her appendix or something like that. I researched urgent cares in the area and found a plethora of CareNow clinics which were open in the area. I took her to one of them first because they advertised that they could do ultrasounds and such kids of testing. I figured they could just screen her to see if something was wrong or if I was just being one of those worried parents. As it would turn out after she was seen they said that they couldn’t do any tests because they didn’t have any equipment at the facility, so we were sent over to a children’s er. We spent several hours in a Nashville ER where we underwent some very basic test to rule out any kind of appendix trouble. We were then given some Zofran for nausea and sent on our way. Later, in this series I will be telling you all the simple tests (that you can even do at home) to see if it is the child’s appendix. I know this won’t be our first run in with an appendix like issue, so I am so thankful that if nothing more came out of this visit at least I got expert advice on how to determine if side pain is appendix related in children.

Thank you all for tuning into this edition of the vacation series to learn a little bit about our travels to Nashville! It is a wonderful and lively place to visit!

Happy vacationing,


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