Last Updated on February 1, 2020 by Brie
Last week I did an update all about our preschool set up, what we like to use, and how our lessons typically go. If you would like to dig into this post first you are welcome to check it out here! If not, then on to this “All about Sharks” Shark Preschool unit!
Shark Teaching Accessories:
Spice up your shark lessons by purchasing some shark related items off amazon. Shark week is only once a year after all so you might as well go big with your home school routine! Shop our Sharky favorites from Amazon on our Amazon Picks for some extra shark inspiration!
Lesson Overview:
- Sing ABC’s
- Read any book that’s blue
- Shark coloring page
- Educational Shark Video
Singing ABC’s
This is something we do at pretty much every preschool session. My daughter now (at age 4) has gotten to where she can sing her ABC’s pretty well. I just think it serves as a good reinforcement. If your child has them down pat though, you could change things up a little bit and sing the oh so well known Baby Shark song!
Reading any book that’s blue
I picked this activity because the ocean is blue and it wouldn’t constraint parents to reading a certain book they may or may not have. For us, we read “Pete the Cat and the Bed Time Blues”! My daughter is a huge Pete the Cat fan and the books are great to start teaching kids to read because many of them are very repetitive.

Shark Preschool Unit: Shark coloring page
I personally like to get coloring pages for my preschool by either printing them out or just testing them out of a coloring book. The later is what I did for this assignment. During the flow of preschool I decided to get out the water colors instead of the crayons or makers and I let my daughter water color her shark picture!

Educational Shark Videos:
I just love incorporating educational videos into our preschool classes. Here are some fun, educational shark videos that you can incorporate into your lesson today. I just get them off YouTube.
Interesting Shark Facts by Happy Learning English
Sharks for kids by Homeschool Pop
These are two YouTube content creators that I really like for our preschool! Feel free to check out more of their educational content!
Thanks for stopping by today, and I hope you all are having a great 31st annual shark week! Leave a comment down below and let me know what you and your kiddos are doing to celebrate!
PS. As always if you liked this post pick your favorite pin and share it on Pinterest!

Last Updated February 1, 2020