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Top Six Tips for Succeeding in a Winter Semester!

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The winter semester is the worst so, the drury weather and cloudy sky’s are just awful for going to classes. Then there is that dreaded month of February where just nothing goes right, you loose your motivation, and you really don’t want to be there. Yep, I have hit it every single February since the start. So, here are my top six tips for staying well, feeling your best, and keeping up with being a mom.

1.) Flu Shots: so hopefully you don’t catch the flu and pass it on to your little one.

2.) Get a blanket scarf, so you can be stylish, and wrap up in cold classes.

3.) Find a fun indoor play place: all part of being a good mom. Get something for you and your kiddos to do!

4.) Carry Germx: so you don’t get sick!

5.) Avoid Nighttime/evening classes, typically the roads are worse in the evening if you’ve gotten snow that day. Avoid in ng these conditions is a big stress reliever.

6.) Take an online course if you can, so you don’t have be out in the weather and elements as much.

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