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Two Fun STEM Activities For Kids


My daughter asked after our activity challenge if we would still be doing fun activities together! I told her of course because I love spending time with her.

So for this post we will be finishing up the Get Active Inside challenge brought to you by hands on as we grow. As well as doing a special STEM activity of our own! Let’s jump right into into these awesome bonding activities!

Cardboard Box Tunnel:

This activity was again pretty time-consuming (like day fours) to create and also little difficult because we had no large boxes. We made it work by cutting apart several small boxes and adding them together with unicorn duct tape to make our box tunnel. Instead of using fabric or ribbon for our fun hanging downs, we use streamers because that’s what we had on hand. We also added little half box seats on either side. We decorated our tunnel with markers to make it pretty. My daughter enjoy this activity but not only did she enjoy it several of our furry friends enjoyed it too. Our first to check it out was our fuzzy cat, next our dog, and next are fun-loving rolling hamster in her ball. My daughter thought this was absolutely hilarious.
Check out these adorable pictures of our activity below as well as the printable activity sheet from Hands On as We Grow.

Marshmallow Buildings:

Activity we did was a STEM activity. We used toothpicks and mini marshmallows to create small shapes and buildings. My daughter loved this activity because she loved to eat the little marshmallows. It was interesting to see what all she enjoyed building.

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