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Behind the Scenes with Mommy Daughter Love: Welcome to Winter Everyone.

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Tonight I have been sitting up with my puking child. I feel the intense heartache and panic as I watch her go through this sickness. I don’t know what is is, but she just started throwing up tonight, and since has done so about every hour for the past three. This last time was just dry heaves. The weather’s been bad, so I don’t want to rush her to the ER on a weekend. She hasn’t gotten a fever yet, but you can just tell she feels bad. I worry though that it might be the flu, and how dangerous that is for little ones with asthma.

As I watch her laying on her my pillow in my bed. The bowl beside her, I worry so much but try to to let her see (this parts easy now, because she’s asleep). I know there is no way I could live without my girl. She’s my world. Pray for her dear ones. We need it.

I hate this going into another semester. She gets sick at the beginning of each of my semester, so I should have seen it coming. I feel like it’s some sort of curse. In some way it’s my fault.

I have all of our stuff laid out on my bedside table, this isn’t our first rodeo, but we haven’t had an incident like this in quite awhile. I have our pulse ox meter (haven’t had to use that in some time), toilet paper, inhaler, bottle of water, thermometer, and of course the puke bowl that’s in bed with us. We are braced for tonight, and looking to a trip to urgent care tomorrow. This is how we are beginning our winter season.

What about all you other Mama’s out there? I hope your winter is going better than mine. Leave comments below to sparkly the conversation!

So, I had planned to end my post here, and upload it. Then I’d set my alarm for every hour and check on my girl. But as our night continued, she couldn’t keep down any fluid. Her breathing became hard. I called her doc and they said we may need to take her to the ER, if she can’t get fluids down. We took her to the ER around midnight. We sat in the waiting room for almost TWO hours. Yeah I took awhile, but honestly the waiting room was empty, so I feel like we weren’t exposed to much. They checked her breathing, blood pressure, temperature, and kept an eye on her pulse and oxygen levels. Her pulse stayed higher than usual (around the 160 beats/minute mark). Other than that they said since she was comunicating they didn’t want to giver her and IV but instead try Zofran and then see if she could keep fluids down on her own with that. They swabbed her nose for the flu and said it came back negative. They said it was probably the norovirus with travels around this time of year. (This ordeal just makes me want to keep my baby home all the time so she never gets sick). Anyway the ER had all ready had about 10 cases of the virus. Which was awful! Poor kids!

We ended up going the Zofran route around 3 in the morning, and she was able to keep down about 6 oz of Powerade and some popsicle. We we’re let out of the ER with some Zofran and a script for more. I guess this bug can last up to 4 days. The doc said to expect more vomiting, maybe a fever. Her said not to worry about the food aspect, but make sure to keep her drinking. For most of the time in the ER we watched Disney (we didn’t see very many nurses or the doc very many times, they were very short staffed). My little girl just sat on my lap most of the time. She was in her little PJs. We we’re let go from the ER around 5:00 in the morning. We ran by to get some more Powerade for home and then once we finally arrived home I went with my original plan of getting up every hour until we finally “woke up” around 10 this morning. I gave her some more breathing treatments, and Zofran. So far (fingers crossed) she hasn’t thrown up again. Though she’s only drink fluids and hasn’t consumed any food. We’ve just been snuggling on the couch watching movies like Small Foot, and Dorthy Gale, Returns to Oz. Two great kids movies. (The last one you’ve probably heard about around the blog!) Anyway. That’s hopefully how our day will go. We still have our Christmas trees up, and they are the only lights in the house besides the tv, casting their relaxing cheerful glow. Along with us is our cat chilling on the couch, and our dog chilling on the floor. (They’ve been pretty worried about my girl, they knew shes been sick).

Anyway like I said before, this is how we are starting out our winter and semester this spring. I hope everyone is starting their winter season a little better than we are. But hey, I guess you have to have your high dollar ER visit each year, right?

Anyway leave comments below to begin the discussion! How’s your winter going???

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