Last Updated on September 17, 2020 by Brie
Plate Skating:
I do know this week we’ve been trying to get active inside challenge brought to you by hands on as we grow. I am so glad I discovered these amazing resources from hands on as we grow. It has completely taking out the stress of finding really creative and unique activities to mix them with our regular daily activities. Today’s activity mixed amazingly with our day. The activity is called plate skating which at first when I read about it I was a little bit skeptical that we would easily fall over on our plates. We have chosen to do ours on the carpet and stay away from tile floors just because it is a little bit slippery on tile. here’s what we received from the Hands-On as you grow team in our inbox today about to this fun activity.

We’ve been able to do so much for this plate skating activity that it has become hours of fun in our day. Not only did we do regular plate skating but we also did a full-blown dance party in our living room with our plate skates on. We also got out of balloon and play balloon toss hitting the balloon back and forth while on our plate skates to make it a little more interesting and challenging. I totally recommend checking out some of the great activities over at hands on as we grow.

Not moving on for the rest of our day we have been having some great bonding time before I go into the spring semester this year. I really hate losing all of this bonding time but I’ve been so blessed to get a full week off to bond with my little girl before going back. So, I’m absolutely trying to make the most of it.
I’m so excited to share with you all some of the more traditional activities we have been doing today to make the perfect little girl’s day at home.
One of the first activities we’ve been doing is snuggling, eating popcorn, and watching movies. The movie of the day has definitely been Small Foot! It’s a new release and we went to go see it back in theaters when it came out. It was one of our 2018 movie theater trips.
My next activity has been playing with Play-Doh and we love the Play-Doh Town sets. The set we’ve been playing with today is the pet store set where you can make bunnies, hamsters, cats, dogs, and all kinds of fun stuff. Even added her own twist with a little bit of frozone fun from The Incredibles. Check it out in this fun picture below of the shop we made!

Lincoln Logs:
The next thing we’ve been playing is Lincoln Logs we build a really fun beach house while we played that this morning on the couch. If you don’t own a set of Lincoln Logs and you have a little one who loves building with blocks they will absolutely love Lincoln Logs! You should totally get some.
Magnetic Letters and Shapes!
We just spread out our blanket on the floor for this activity, and got out the metal lunch box full of magnetic letters and shapes. My daughter loves sticking these to the lunch box, or little magnetic board. It works as a great impromtu preschool activity as well.

A Race Car Obstacle Course:
The race car obstacle course we just made out of a bunch of different stuff we had around the house. It included things like a dry erase board with a road drawn on it. A pillow and an exercise board along with some boxes were also included in our track. We got a lot of playtime out of this when it was really fun she had all over pink and green little cars and even had out her trolls to go racing.

Monster Chase
A monster chases actually really silly thing that we did to kind of get us up and moving. My daughter has one of the VTech smart watches for kids in pink. On this there’s a little game where you can go around spotting colors walking your appropriate steps and then tapping on your screen to capture monsters. We frolicked around the house today catching about 5 monsters. These range from cute little butterflies to monsters that look like potatoes. I just love the VTech smartwatch it’s a really great way to get kids learning to take photos and videos and really get them moving.

I hope you guys all enjoyed reading about our fun mother-daughter day. my hope is that it inspires you to have a great day with your daughter sometime as well. I’d love to hear about your mother daughter days in the comments below. I can’t wait to see all the fun you’re coming up with. Let me know if you are able to use any of my fun ideas.