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Behind the Scenes at Mommy Daughter Love:


Wow…so if you can’t tell from the above photo, we have had a major, and tragic blogging setback here at Mommy daughter love. Our Pinterest account (which was where our main source of new viewers comes from) was suspended Friday night. This far I’ve went through the company website and attempted to contact them twice with no reply. I’ve read many articles from around the want that said said it took Pinterest up to two months to get their account reactivated. I truly hope that something like this doesn’t happen in our case! It will put the reach of our blog back so much.

Anywho, here’s how it happened. I was updating some of my boards with my older pins I can’t circulated in about 6 months. (Admittedly I was getting really excited about sharing some of my earlier content so I was pinning quite a bit.) Then I jumped over to the area where you can pin things and content that is similar to your own boards. well I’ve pinned a few collages, as well as LOTS of house keeping ideas from all over Pinterest because that is a major interest of mine. When I clicked on a collage of some house keeping photos (best of both worlds right?) Well apparently wrong…because the Pinterest sight threw me off the app and suspended my account.

There’s a couple of things I’ve learned from this whole ordeal though: don’t pin too much of your own content to your own boards, and don’t have Pinterest as the only media outlets for your blog. I’m seriously considering getting an Instagram, or some other form of social media to spread my blogs reach.

I really hope that when/if my account bit reactivated that I’m able to still have my same followers, following, group boards, and pins. I really enjoyed myself on the mommy daughter love Pinterest board, it’s where I stored so many of my fun mother daughter activities, as well as lots of the blogs I love to keep up with.

I’ll be sure to update you all when my Pinterest is back up and running though, and until then I’m sorry about the inconvenience.

If any of you know how I can get my account back faster, or you can see anything on my account or any of the pins from my sight comment below and let me know. I’m curious to know if any of my pins are still out there.

Update January 6, 2018

Here’s the only reply I’ve gotten from Pinterest so far:

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