Last Updated on September 27, 2020 by Brie
Hey Mama’s! So I’ll admit today’s been a tense day. I’m behind on my blog posts, class, work, and I just failed my very first college class (as a senior). We also just experienced the loss of a family member. More on all that later though. Today I have been so irritable and cranky, with all the extra people in my house and all the extra tension and sadness I just needed something to lighten my day! I was flipping through all the blog posts I’ve started but have yet to finish to see what I could pull together for this week. I found this little gem and I definitely needed the smile today. These were a fun set of questions that we were laying on the bed talking about one day. I had my daughter awnser some from this wonderful website:

Here we have the questions we answered and the cute little answers my daughter gave below…as we are sitting here typing this up I asked my little girl if she remembers any of them, it’s been a few weeks since we’ve touched this post. And she immediately started saying banana, and laughing about it because that was the awnser she wanted to give for each question. So here’s a little slice of our lives from the view of a three year old!

What’s something I always say to you?
I love you
How old is your mom?
20, no 4, and holds up 10 fingers
What do I do at my job?
To work, you do your class at work
What’s your favorite thing we do together?
Eat bananas
If your dog could talk, what would he say?
Thanks for the necklaces, bananas
What’s the best animal ever?
Tell me something gross?
This morning the dog was licking his butt
What’s your favorite restaurant?
The buffet pizza place
Where do you want to to go for our next vacation?
I don’t know
How tall is your mom?
49-2 feet
How many kids do you want to have?
Do you like shopping?
What’s the weather like today?
Well, it’s a day to go ice skating!
What time does your mom wake up in the morning?
5 o’clock
Where are you going to keep your interviews from year to year? If you don’t want to keep them in a journal or scrapbook, you could always keep them in a blog! You can start your own blog here!
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