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Mini Fall Nature Vacation

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Sometimes an evening can be a little vacation from the daily stresses of life. What do I mean? Well I love being outside, and while that’s not always possible in Autumn with an asthma child, there is occasionally a nice enough day. On one such evening we headed out for just some relax time around the yard. We found some fun things in nature like a walnut still in all it’s coating, some sticks,big leaves, and of course had some fun with our puppies. We came up with some fun on the spot games out of the natural things we found. So of course I had to jump on the blog and tell you other Mama’s about it!

1.) Kick the Walnut

The first game we came up with was kick the Walnut! And it’s as simple as it sounds, my daughter and I took turns each giving the Walnut a kick. It was an interesting little game that also worked my daughters eye-foot coordination. (Pretty sure that’s a thing).

2.) Nature’s base ball game.

This one had a little more thought put into it. We got a balloon we’d used for someones recent birthday party (honestly, it was probably out cats party ;). We hit the balloon with a stick, like you would use a ball and baseball bat. The catcher (who was also the pitcher who again was usually me) had to have a leaf as their catching glove.

3.) Chalk drawing:

This one is pretty simple we just sat on out back patio and drew with chalk. Plainly put it was very relaxing.

It’s nice to just have fun some times with your kids. Just to get a little fresh air and forget about all the things you might have piling up or hitting you as a single mom.

So go out there Mama’s and treat yourself and your little one to an hour of relaxing in nature.

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