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The Best Online Bible Study For Single Mom’s:

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So, I’ve been really getting into the she reads truth bible studies! The one that we are just finishing up was the Names of God study. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is just needing to find a place of fellowship and good Christian influences. Being a single mom I find it’s hard to seek these out, but in this study of online fellowship I can simply open up the webpage and see/reply to any of the comments the other women leave throughout the day. It goes with my schedule, and there is no judgement, as there can be in an actual bible study setting. I’ll admit though that there shouldn’t be so much judgment toward single moms in the church setting but there is. I had been doing some research on churches to try to get back into one, but almost always on the different internet forms about them there was a harshness toward young single moms.

Anyway the She Reads Truth site, or app if you can pay for the studies, is definitely a place for a single mom to feel quite at home. With this post I wanted to give you an idea of the kind of relivations you will have while reading the studies, so I pulled together some of the links to posts as well as my comments on them. Single mommy I truely hope that you join in on the next bible study, and I get to see and reply to your comments. Remember it’s never to late to join a study, just jump right in.

Day 1 of joining a study: (study here)

So I’m jumping in this bible study a little late, but I feel like I just really need the fellowship of Christian women that’s offered here, I love reading She Reads Truth studies, but I don’t usually comment. As I flip through the comments I can’t think of anything that hasn’t already been said. There are so many of us who believe in God’s mighty power, and proclaim it is strong enough to overcome anything. I feel like when I am offered a difficult situation, sometimes God’s power to help us overcome is lost from my mind. I try to do/control every situation on my own. This is something I need to let go of, and stand blameless in God, following and trusting in his plan for my life. Another thing that’s been on my mind is that some situations just need to be handed over to God. Even if you’ve already begun down a bad road like Sarah did by handing over her maid to be Abraham’s wife, God can still turn it around. He did then, and he will now.

Day 2 of joining a study: (study here)

This was an amazing reminder today. I feel like so often when I’m scared, or going through something rough, sometimes it’s hard to seek God out, and believe he is my safe space. I tend to get caught up in my troubles. Lately I’ve been in a Crohn’s flare and honestly I was scared to pray about it, I was scared to pray that bold prayer for healing. I am so thankful to be recovering, and that I have great people praying for me. I also have been getting back into God’s words daily, and seeking him out. I’m so thankful for our amazing God who offered himself as our fortress.

Day 3 of joining the study: (study here)

When I read this passage: “This name reminds us that God does not take lightly nor tolerate our wandering hearts.” It completely struck me, I feel like it was speaking directly to me. God needs to be my only object of worship, nothing else. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the day to day, get caught up in a lifestyle or a dream of the future. But something I have to come back to is that it’s God I need to be worshiping, not these other things.

The passage from Joshua was by far my favorite today, I definitely need a little tough love some times, and the ending where it says, “If you forsake the Lord and serve foreign gods, then he will turn and do you harm and consume you, after having done you good.” is definitely tough love.

I love the part though about choosing who you will serve, and when it says, “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” I feel like this is one of those passages I would want framed in my home.

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