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A Homeschool Families Movie Review: Incredibles 2

A Homeschool Families Movie Review Incredibles 2

Last Updated on May 1, 2022 by Brie

About a week ago now we had the lovely pleasure of seeing Incredibles 2 in theaters. Just days later we say Incredibles 1 on the Disney channel. It was nice to see both movies so closely together because they were fresh on our minds. We had the classic movie experience, popcorn, a HUGE screen, and an expensive drink. Well, there was a little something else in the mix as well…something that made us itch, but we will get back to that at the end of the post, so defiantly stick around!

For this post I’m going to cover the basics of the movie and try not to give out too many spoilers in the process. For starters I would recommend this movie to anyone with young kids. My daughter is three and she absolutely loved it! In fact, she renamed one of her baby dolls at home “Jack Jack”, one of her favorite characters in the movie. Her favorite character has been continually changing each time I asked her. When we first walked out of the movie she was all about Elastia girl-the mom-she just couldn’t stop talking about her. After that it was Jack Jack and Violet.

I thought it was funny as well from a mother point of view. You know some of those movies you take your kids to and you’re just like “MEH, this is boring!” well other mama’s out there this wasn’t one of those movies. While this is my opinion I have heard several other mothers had this opinion as well. I had planned to take far more photos in the movie than I did, and maybe even film a sneak peek for the blog…BUT that didn’t end up happening, my daughter and I were having so much fun that it just kind of slipped my mind.

On a more serious note though, I had been a little concerned going into the movie wither or not this one would be appropriate, in its actions and language. As I think back, I didn’t have any moments during this movie that I wanted to cover my daughter’s eyes or ears! I didn’t pick up on any inappropriate content or foul language, that was strikingly obvious anyway. On the other hand, there was some violence-quite a bit during the fight scenes, no blood or anything like that though. At first it scared my daughter, but after a little bit of convincing that the good guys would win, and explaining who the good guys were, she was ok with it. It wasn’t bad enough we had to leave the theater or anything. One of the things I really did like though was the family unit bond. The Family unit bond in this movie was extraordinary and it definably stuck out. You could defiantly tell the creators had put a lot of time and effort into creating a lovely family who stuck up for one another. Those kind of family values are so important for kids to witness, even if it is just in a movie, especially if they are from single parent families.

Now on to the pre-movie, it was a little different and had an EXTREMELY surprising twist toward the end.

This movie was something like the Pillsbury dough boy-Asian Edition. It was very different and I think I might have captured a photo of him in one of the collages, just a pre-warning for you this surprise twist made my daughter cry! It was a very odd pre-movie or short movie, I’m not sure what they are calling them.

Next on the agenda is what upcoming movies in the previews my daughter wanted to see:

The new Wreck it Ralph, Ralph breaks the internet which comes out around Thanksgiving. She wanted to see this one because it had ALL the Disney princesses featured in it.

The Grinch, the new edition. It comes out November 9th of this year I believe. It looked like it would be a cute one, but very similar to the cartoon one that already exists.

The next one was Christopher Robin, honestly, I think this one might be a little bit over my daughter’s head since it isn’t an animation but I don’t know. Perhaps not over her head, but probably something that wouldn’t keep her attention. The preview looked a little dull. I think this one comes out in August some time.

Lastly, she wanted to see the Newest How to train your dragon movie which looks like it comes out in March of next year. This past week we have viewed EVERY How to train you dragon movie that our video store offers, and she absolute loves them! I used to wouldn’t rent them just because I thought they would scare her. But she has a thing for dragons, she even likes the one in the Shrek movies, so I think this one will end up being a MUST SEE.

NOW, If you have made it this far in the post, or you just skipped to the end, brace yourself for the story of…….


Well we still don’t know what the itch was but we do know one thing, other people in the theater were scratching too. When my daughter and I left this regal forum theater, we were covered in bug bites. There was no one in the lobby for us to tell, and when I tried calling back, no one answered. So, I left a complaint on their website, and since it has been a week, I can tell you all that…no…the company never go back to me. I didn’t ask for a refund, I was just letting them know there was a problem, so hopefully next time we were able to go to the theater, we wouldn’t leave covered in bug bites. When we got home from the theater we immediately took a shower. So that was the unpleasant part of the experience!

Anyhow with no further ado. Enjoy these fun Incredibles 2 photos we took at the movie!

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