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Top 4 Restaurants For Homeschool Families to Eat at On St. George Island

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Last Updated on May 1, 2022 by Brie

1.) BJ’s Pizza and More

We tasted so many delicious delicacies on our island vacation. 

Our first island dinner was BJ’s Pizza. Though there was some pretty funny “adult signage” the food was pretty good. 

Adult signage: 

“BJ’s their good” on the back of the waiter’s tee shirts. 

“Age doesn’t matter, but it’s ugly you have to watch out for” 

“Our staff is accustomed to dumb questions”

“Don’t mistake our endurance for hospitality” 


My daughter and I shared the chicken strip basket: our meal was about $9 with tax.



This was a place we went to twice on our beach stay, and the mozzarella sticks are pretty recommendable. 


2. Harry A’s 

This was a supper delicious place to stop on the island, and though it is a bar and grill it is pretty family friendly and constantly packed in the evenings. The food there was some of the best on the island. While the menu boasts of grouper and shrimp they pretty much sell whatever seafood is brought to them, so the item of the night when we were there was flounder, which I heard from a credible source was amazing. Harry A’s was the most inexpensive place to eat on the island though! I got the cheese quesadilla, because I had a hankering for Mexican, and it was pretty good. That night we got the food to go and ate at our beautifully set beach table.


3. The Beach Pit

This restraint looked like a huge red Barn! But the inside had a modern beach wood look and it wasn’t very crowded. Here’s some of the delicious looking platter around our table. 



4. Aunt Eddy’s Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor

Then of course the adorable island pink house that home to Aunt Eddy’s Old Fashion Ice Cream Parlor. This was a place that had us coming back for more. But what’s not to love, the ice cream was some of the best I had tasted, and the atmosphere was a quant kind of beach theme where even every table was hand painted with a different picture. 


Here’s just a taste for all of you at home: 

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