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Simple Animal Related Field Trips For Homeschoolers

Simple Animal Field Trips For Homeschoolers

Last Updated on May 1, 2022 by Brie


Hey Mamas, 

My daughter and I went to our new Pet Smarts Grand opening in town last week. We had such a good time. She thought every stuffed dog toy was a kids toy, and would run over and hug them. She looked through all the feathery cat toys saying how much her cat would love to come to PetSmart to pick out his own toy. I had to break the news to her that I didn’t think cats came to the pet store, knowing full well that our little kitty got horribly car sick. He also hisses when he goes to the vet, which is basically his only outing.  

Anyhow we saw some HUGE dog bones there for really big dogs (the bones themselves were larger than our two pups). We also saw fancy dog collars with bows and gems. Being the girly girl, my daughter is she decided our little dog would look good in a sparkly pink one with a black bow and pink gem. We also found some of the CUTEST dog shirts ever…check them out in the picture below. Cant find something like this today?????? Well we got your puppies covered with theses cute dog dresses, shirts, and collars! You haven’t missed out.


I was really shocked to find out that the store was completely sold out of hamsters, and mice. All those little furry creatures had been bought up. We went around to the glass aquariums that were supposed to house them and my daughter would say ‘I think that one is sleeping in his house’, but alas the houses were empty. While disappointing, it was okay because honestly, we have a hamster of our very own we got out of town last July. We put a picture of him in the post, and he is pretty much the sweetest hamster you could ever imagine! He’s pictured sitting on his hamster puzzle building blocks. the pack comes with a little slide as well. 

Now I have a truly funny, classic mom moment, that will make you all laugh and cringe at the same time. We went into the bathrooms which were surprisingly pretty gross for a brand-new store and I think my daughter said something along the lines of “these bathrooms are a dump”. Anyway, we initially went in because she said she had to go pee, even though she had just gone right before she left the house and she never goes pee twice in one morning. She wouldn’t even sit on the toilet and I discovered she had only said she needed to go to go pee because she wanted to see what the bathrooms looked like. I can’t really fault her on that one though because I used to do this very same thing as a kid. The apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree. In case you all were wondering here is the toilet, because why not put in a picture of it?

next things next, on to the actual fluffy kitties! They had about six kitties up for adoption at the time we went, adoption with a fee of course. Anyway, we probably went and visited these kitties at least five times while we were in the pet store. Might as well make the trip worthwhile. On the third or fourth time of us going to see them one was on the ground in the bottom cage. My daughter jumped with surprise when she popped around the corner because she wasn’t expecting her to be right there. This was an incredibly playful kitty and I caught the tail end of her playing with our fingers through the holes in the glass in this video…


The last time we went by the kitties, or rather you could call it the fifth time. One of the white cats from the higher cage had gotten loose. We watched it walk out its first set of doors into the “kitty waiting room” or the room where you initially go in if you are going to pet the cats. I don’t think I got a good picture of this jail breaking cat but my daughter thought it was absolutely hilarious. It had escaped and she wanted to take it home so it could be a friend to our cat. BUT alas, our cat isn’t always that nice, and fights with the neighbor’s cat through the glass screen door when our front door is open. SO, kitty friends are a no go. Even though that is the case, it doesn’t mean our cat can’t have cat TOY friends. Here is an extra adorable cat toy that any furry feline would love!

The end of our pet store trip was rather abrupt when my daughter decided to check and see if there were actually any kid’s toys at the pets store. When she didn’t find any, she decided she wanted burger king. She saw some colorful stuffed animals (for dogs) as we were leaving and she said, “finally there are the kid’s toys”. I told her those were for dogs, and she said and I quote *huffy breath* “let’s just go then”. As we walked out the door we were almost dog kissed/hopped on (mauled) by the feistiest beagle I have ever met! I’m sure you mamas can relate to some pet store moments like this! 

Next we will just take you on a photo look around the store. One of the things we want to get our hamster this hamster pizza chew toys! They look like a definite must! 

They still had birds in stock the day we went, so we’ve included some photos of these birds below. This is one animal I’ve never had as a pet. To me, I don’t really think I would be a bird person. 

I have to admit, the store itself looked really clean and nice. When you go into a place and start taking photos of stuff, the staff looks at you funny though. In my head I just laugh and think, yea I’m such a blogger always taking stock photos. You know they think we are some sort of secret shoppers though. 

As a bonus photo check out some of these cute cat toys that my daughter found. she loved picking up all the toys and stuff. I would recommend taking your little ones to the pet store just for a sensory preschool unit, everything has a different texture there, from feathers, to spikes, to rough and smooth surfaces, they have it all. 

Thank you guys for sticking through to the end of this post. We had a great trip, and it was a really fun mother daughter experience. I’m really glad we now have a Pet Smart in our town. Lets keep the conversation rolling! Do you mamas have a pet smart in your town??? If so how often do you take your little’s and what do you guys mainly do there??? 

Until Next Time Happy Shopping, 




***Post Updated March 16, 2019***

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