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New Experiences: Lunch with Mommy Monday!


With every new semester starts a new work load, and a new routine! But I don’t want to loose all the bonding time I’ve had over winter break! One thing I wanted to do was keep up with some of our weekly outings.this is a great social experience and just a great way to get my daughter and I out of the house aside from just class and daycare. Trust me it’s something every mommy and daughter need.

I love food and my little girl loves going out to eat, so I decided that Mondays (because that’s my light college day) we would go out to lunch at a new restaurant, or at least a different one each Monday. It will be a great bonding time, as well as a great way to experience new flavors, restaurants, and experiences!

I have 16 week semesters, so we are going to try to go to 16 different places! Before hand though I made this cute little book so that we could scrapbook our experience there. Kinda like a fun food critic game or something.

Ready to embark on this quest with your little girl? Here’s what I did to start!

Step 1:

The first step, if you want to embark on a journey like this it to make a list of the restaurants in your town, or at least the ones you want to try. Be sure to mix in some of the old stand by favorites (my daughter’s would be Taco Bell, MacDonald’s, and Sonic) so you don’t feel like your waisting money on food that’s not eaten week after week. If you don’t know all the places to eat in your town, then be sure to Google it!

Step 2:

Step of a time that will work each week to take your daughter out to lunch or even dinner. Whatever works best for your schedule.

Step 3:

Set some money aside for the adventure, consider splitting a meal with your little girl or eating what’s left over if you don’t have r the money for two meals.

Step 4:

Check out these free printable scrapbook pages to document the journey! You guys can print out photos or just dray pictures while your waiting!

Step 5:

Do it!

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