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Blog My Day Off: SAHSM


Hey Mama’s! Today I’m going to be doing a little “blog your day” kind of post! It’s a great way to keep track of your memories as well as for others to see what a single mom does on a day off. We did some pretty fun activities today, so Let’s just jump right into them. 

Definition of SAHSM: Stay at home single mom

The first thing we did was breakfast with a Hulu movie! We have been really getting into our Hulu lately! The move we watched was Luis and the Aliens. We ended up really enjoying it and it was only an hour and a half long so it didn’t take up that big of a chunk out of our day. 

Next, we went on to having a VERY SILLY DEBATE. My daughter and I discussed if everyone had hair in their noses. My daughter thought it was only an adult thing. So, I shined a flash light up her nose and took a photo…to show her her nose hair. Because I mean why not? She laughed and laughed about this…and still denies that she has nose hair. 

Next, we moved on to some balloon sports! It was great fun! Though bi tire out quickly with the whole Crohn’s thing. Anyhow, we played balloon basketball, soccer, and volleyball! Basically you just place a line of painters tape across the middle no the room or the space you are playing. Then you can kick, bop, or throw the ball back and forth over the line.

We recently got some a super fun craft paint set from Walmart  AND some fun canvases from hobby lobby. We did a little painting! And they turned out to be some lovely abstract art. 

This specific day was TACO THURSDAY! so we had taco bell lunch with the fam that day. Lunch is always that meal the cuts our day in half. For the afternoon I finally a garden project that we had been working on and we went out to check the bean plant we had planted in the outdoor garden…only to find that our puppy, who had helped us weed out the garden had gone back and weeded up our plant. So it was no more. 

We decided to go for a swim, in our little pool for the remainder of the afternoon. We filled up water balloons, filled up a pool floaty with water to make a really cool lounge/jump thing, and just splashed around water in the pool. 

So guys, I think will end the blog here! The rest of the evening was just the nightly routine kind of stuff, baths, dinner, journaling, etc. etc. 

I hope you all enjoy a brief glimpse into one of my days off! I’ll give a list of the activity so that you have some ideas for your days off in the resources list below! In the comments section I would love to hear about what you guys like to do with your kiddos on your days off! 

Until next time, Happy Planning,



  • Hulu movie
  • Balloons sports with painters tape court
  • Learn something scientific
  • Have a fun lunch
  • Garden
  • Play in the pool Play with water balloons
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