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Behind the Scenes with Mommy Daughter Love: Getting Ready For the #GetActiveInside Challenge.

I’m so excited to get to share with you all the fun free activity challenge bi discovered from the hands on as we grow website! We have entered, and I’m super hyped about getting our first activity in our inbox tommorow! But…it’s not to late for you to sign up!!!! Today’s the last day so just follow this link that Jamie from Hands on as We Grow, sent out and you all can. Join the challenge with me!

If your not convinced, that you need some fresh new ideas to get all your child’s pint up energy out (in the safe friendly indoor environment) this winter, then let me introduce you to more of the aspects of the challenge!

So far we have been sent the daily challenge checklist, which gives a hint at your 15 minute (yes it only takes 15 minutes to crate a bonding experience) a day activity. Plus there is a bonus day 6, with an activity for the whole family!

Next we have the printable supplies checklist! She will email all of this too you when you sign up, but isn’t it cute?

For our third item, Jamie is just so caring! It’s going to be a great experience. On top of this she offered a # to share you content on social media (#GetActiveInside) as a way for her to keep up with everyone. There is also an exclusive challenge Facebook support group for the event, if that kind of thing so strikes your fancy!

Now you Mama’s must definitely be convinced! If you are a college mama like me, I’m sure your semester will be beging soon if it hasn’t already. Use this activity challenge as your last hurrah for hanging onto the fun you’ve had with your little ones over break. This challenge is for ages 2-5, all of our before school aged kids. I can’t wait for this extra bit of bonding time!

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this challenge! If you’ve taken one of these kinds of challenges before, or if you just want to have a support system as you go through the event, leave comments below! I can’t wait to hear from all of you Mama’s out there!

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